Six League of Nations final volleyball players: Poland lost to Russia


  • Bialo-Czerwoni lost to Russia in the first leg of the sixth nations final
  • Our players showed a good side only in the third set
  • Another rival of the Poles will be the representatives of the United States United. for favorites. One of the reasons was that the French Lille tournament that was taking place at Stade Pierre-Mauroy was the first major test for Vital and Heynen. Our players in the preliminary stage have proved, however, that they can play with the best, which has allowed them to win the last six and win valuable victories.

    The Polish volleyball players started the match with the Russians at 3: 1. Unfortunately, the competitors quickly made up for the losses, and with the 3: 3 status, they won two more actions. A moment later, Sergey Szlapnikov's players already won with three eyes, which caused a violent reaction from coach Heynen, who decided to ask for a break.

    With a score of 10: 7 in favor of the pre-game favorites, three points in a row. Jakub Kochanowski first made a good attack, then the Russians went astray in the attempt to play and Maksim Mikhailov was well stopped by Bartosz Kurek

    The result of the match was 13:13 – then our rivals scored two points in a row, Aleksander Śliwka was actually stopped by the block. After the second technical break, the Russians increased the difference to three points. A few minutes later, it was already 16:23, after the Poles were not able to cope with the game Artiom Wolwicz. Eventually, the set ended with the result 18:25 after Maciej Muzaja's attack.

    The start of the second match was more regular – the Russian volleyball players only won two points in advance, but Vital Heynen's players quickly made up for it. Thus, the technical break on the scoreboard showed the result 8: 7 in favor of the rivals. Action for the action of both teams went to the 9: 9 state. After that, both eyes fell on the Russians account, but because of the attack of Dmitry Muserski and the Artist Artur Szalpuk, the Poles were again rewarded

    . After returning to the dance floor, our volleyball players lost two more actions – the first Kurek was stopped and then Wolwicz showed a good game. Unexpectedly, however, from the result 18:14 Szlapnikowa players have gave three points in a row thanks to two attacks of a willing Kurk and one carried out by Szalpuk

    This situation convinced the Russian coach to ask a break for the first time they won the actions by reaching the result 24:23. At that time, the Russian coach again decided to talk with his players. After the match resumed, Muserski finished the second set with a powerful attack.

    The third set started perfectly for the white and red team. Our representatives, thanks to the good play and errors of the rivals, took 5: 3 in advance, which after a few minutes increased to 8: 4. However, the Russians quickly caught up with some of the losses by getting closer World champions for one point. The Poles were not afraid of such a turn of events, and shortly thereafter they again benefited from a benefit

    Similarly, the charges of coach Szlapnikowa, who dangerously close to the result for the second time, were similar. Our team once again kept its nerves at bay and again escaped the opponents by securing a second break in the technical head 16:12

    As it turned out later, the advantage of four points was enough for the triumph. The Poles did not allow their rivals to seriously beat the result by winning the third duel in 25:22

    .The start of the fourth set is a balanced game on both sides and 4: 4. favorites were shown by four successful blocks, thanks to which the Russians paused in better moods, winning 8: 4. After returning to the dance floor, the good sequence of Sborna was not interrupted and the result was 10: 4 and 13: 6.

    Bialo-Czerwoni managed to make up some losses and at 10:13 they had the opportunity to get closer to the opponents at the distance of two eyelets. Unfortunately, the Szalpuk missile attack, the unsuccessful part and the Wołkowa block made that Sergei Szlapnikov's players were leading at 16:10

    Unfortunately, the advantage of the Russians was that they were in the lead. proved impossible, especially since the Poles did not play as well. in the third set. In the end, the favorites won the fourth match, triumphing at 25:17 and defeating the entire duel with a well-deserved 3-1 win

    Russia – Poland 3: 1 (25:18, 25:23, 22 : 25, 25: 17)

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