Slag: A successful ROW sparring. Lebedev took the chance


Lebiedev has so far traveled to four ROW meetings and only now managed to get a two-digit score. Latvian repeatedly said that he could not cope with the weaker form and good performance later. Maybe a successful performance against the Cracovians will be a turning point for him this season. If Lebedev returns to the form of the previous season, ROW will have even more chances to reach PGE Ekstraliga. Rywal was not demanding, but it was not about this game. The Rybniczans had the opportunity to control the equipment and lead the match, while the other teams have to settle for workouts.

For the seventh time this season, drivers of the Speedway Arge Speedway Wanda Kraków failed to break the 30-point mark. However, it is not the bad attitude of the team that is the biggest concern of the club authorities. Due to the debts of Rasmus Jensen and Claus Vissing, both have asked their federation to withdraw the take-off license in Poland. Both players were afraid that even if they were called to a match, they would not have the money for that. The situation before the match was so complicated that the activists had to arrange a 30-year Australian loan, Aaron Summers, of Rzeszów Steel, who had not yet had the opportunity to drive to Poland. He had enough power in the engines for the first two races. Looking at the attitude of the Cracovians, it is hard to believe that they will soon be able to dodge Euro Finannia Polonia Piła. Only such a result could prolong their hopes of staying in Nice 1. LŻ.


[ARGE SPEEDWAY WANDA:] Summer 5 (3, 2, 0, 0, 0, -); Lisiecki 1 + 1 (0, 1 *, -, -, 0); Goat 9 (2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1); Jędrzejewski 0 (0, 0, 0, -); S. Łogaczow 9 (in, 2, 3, 1, 3, 0); Kowalski 1 (d, 0, 0, w, 1); Pen 2 (1, 1, -). [Menedżer:] Piskorz.

[ROW:] Vorin 9 + 1 (2, 3, 1 *, 3, -); Bewley 10 + 3 (1 *, 2 *, 2, 2 *, 3); Lebedev 13 (3, 1, 3, 3, 3); Czaja 6 + 1 (1, 3, 1, 1 *); Batchelor 13 + 1 (3, 3, 3, 2, 2 *); L. Cluster 5 + 1 (3, 0, 2 *); Hops 7 + 3 (2 *, 2 *, 1, 2 *). [Menedżer:] Dymek.

[Sędziował:] Bryła (Zielona Góra)

[Widzów:] 2,000

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