Slag. Jason Doyle in Cardiff participated in a horrific accident


Everything lasted long enough for even the worried health condition of the world champion even Emily Doyle appeared on the track. What she saw could shake her up. Her husband must be treated carefully by doctors and with the utmost care put in an ambulance. Supporters were cheering for it, but his condition was so serious that it was impossible for the player to refuse the fans or to give another sign.

After the tournament, the people around him were very cautious. The journalists' questions about their state of health only correspond to the loss of consciousness. However, they did not want to reveal what was happening when the player was on the track and what are the first diagnoses of the doctors.

Robert Lambert, 20, pushed Doyle inside and pushed his wheel forward. The world champion fell off the bike and tumbled several times hitting the surface. When he was lying by the group, a motorcycle hit him in the head.

The 33-year-old accident is already the third serious of recent years at the Grand Prix competition. In 2015, at the end of the season in Australia, the player lost consciousness right after the fall. During reruns, Doyle could be seen hitting the hard track with his back and neck, which was terribly twisted. He always had a motorcycle engine flying in the air. There was silence in the stadium. Fortunately, this ended with a concussion and abrasions on the face, but the doctors claimed that it was a miracle.

The dramatic scenario was repeated in 2016, but the situation eventually deteriorated. After the crash at the Polish Grand Prix in Toruń, the competitor recovered for several months. Then he focused on the treatment of a broken lung and a broken elbow

This period may end in fear, although the lack of information is not optimistic.

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