Slag: Unia Leszno has a problem with the form? Chomski commented


On the fingers of one hand, you can count the number of meetings in which the visitors rolled in force. Remember that Stal this season has a unique bad luck for injuries. At the beginning of the season, Martin Vaculik fell from the warehouse, then he broke the collar of Hubert Czerniawski and Rafał Karczmarz. At one point in the Stal there was only one junior, and the Gorzians managed to cope with such a problem.

Finally, Szymon Woźniak suffered a foot contusion a month ago and it is unclear whether Polonia Bydgoszcz's pupil will play on Friday. – The return of Rafał Karczmarz and Szymon Woźniak does not mean that their disposition is at the highest level. There is never a comfortable race in full alignment, because it's a sport, and in truth you never know if under given conditions everything will work out for everyone to see. likes – said Stanisław Chomski, trainer Cash Broker Steel at a press conference. 19659003] Fogo Unia Leszno arrives in Gorzów after two defeats on the outside. In the speedway environment, it is said that the hazel caught a shortness of breath and it was good that it was in a period when there was no league. The coach of the hosts is slightly different. "I do not believe in shortness of breath," he says. "This is not a machine that will launch the sixth gear and pull it uniformly.As in all disciplines, and even more in motorsports, the details determine whether there is a result or not. Do not look at the shortness of breath.They lost the last two away games at the end.However they made mistakes – he adds

The senior team in both teams is very equal There are players in one and the other team who are in good and bad shape.It is slightly different in junior training.Leszno are undoubtedly the best couple The inhabitants of Brześć are slightly worse, but they will have the advantage of their own track.Maybe that the fate of the meeting will depend on them.-The young people of Leszno are at a optimal age for the juniors, we see what role they play in the world junior championships. x, our players are a bit lacking, but we are not afraid of them – commented Chomski.

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