Sławomir Cenckiewicz comments on Iwulski's statement


  • In the opinion of Sławomir Cenckiewicz, the case of Iwulski J. "closes" with respect to internal military service
  • It also draws attention to the voice in favor of Iwulski's judge who "practically everyone" goes to the WSW center after graduation. ] – The situation in which the captain trained by WSW is the first president of the Supreme Court is a situation analogous to the countries to which we do not compare – stresses Cenckiewicz
  • Today the director of WBH informed on Twitter that the President of the Supreme Court Józef Iwulski Ludowy Wojska Polskiego and a soldier trained in internal military service

– There is something like that. President Janusz Kurtyka, he called the truth of the lawyers and the historical truth. I am on the side of historical truth and from this point of view a statement that Iwulski's judge has never served in the WSW or any security agency is untrue – said Cenckiewicz on TVP Info [19659005] – WSW since the beginning of the Law on the Institute of National Memory. states and people who had a working relationship, as soldiers of this service are somehow by the law on the IPN and the lustration law for this fact stigmatized. Especially in a situation where they hide this information about their past – points out the director of WBH

"The Iwulski case ends about internal military service"

According to him, the case of Judge Iwulski "is firm "in the field of military service Internal Service – He was a non-commissioned officer, then an officer of the WSW reserve. In the form of lustration there is a point where any registered person has the right, if she has any doubts, to indicate that (…) as part of the training of the NCOs, she has found a training center, eg WSW. And I will say that I have seen many statements of lustration in which various people have doubts added such an explanation – noted Cenckiewicz.

He also drew attention to Justice Iwulski's defense, that "practically everyone". – Of course, there are voices that insult science and what we know about the security structures of the communist repressive apparatus. These were not ordinary centers. The people who were in some way supervised (…), who were selected and directed there, were directed to these centers. Of course, there were times when someone landed there and later had no connection to services, "Cenckiewicz said.

However – as he noted – this was not the case with Judge Iwulski. Captain), but in his junior officer and chief of staff records, it is said that he was already a judge at the beginning of 1982-1983 and military training in 1986. And these are very interesting opinions, because there are for example those of 1982 and 1983 He also added that the documents of the Institute of National Memory show that Iwulski was also qualified for special units in 1987 by the branch WSW

. The situation in which the WSW-trained captain is the first president of the Supreme Court is really a situation similar to the countries to which we do not compare and which are described in the world literature for an example of an anomaly. He completed the course at the WSW Training Center, then WSW until the end, when he was a reserve officer, he participated in his training, he gave his opinion. And the judge is the president of the Supreme Court. This situation is abnormal – estimated the director of WBH

As added, the classification of documents concerning Judge Iwulski was deleted in 2016. – I also have doubts as to whether the prosecutor's office of IPN verified Iwulski's statement. Because in the cases where he is mentioned, who took notice of these documents, I have never seen the name of a prosecutor from the lustration office or the ombudsman of the same. public interest. There are only archivists there. And to be clear, one of the reporters saw the files in front of me. This is not an exclusive situation in which Mr. Cenckiewicz travels and looks at these documents. Other researchers have also had the opportunity to contact them, "said Cenckiewicz

. After a discussion at TVP Info, the director of WBH was interviewed on Twitter when the National Remembrance Institute began lustrating Judge Iwulski. He wrote that this kind of behavior is not possible because "concealing the WSW training is not considered a lie of lustration."

"Józef Iwulski is an officer of the Polish People's Army"

Today, the director of WBH Józef Iwulski is an officer of the Polish People's Army and a trained soldier of the Service military interior. A document of the document dated May 5, 1976 shows that Iwulski was training at the WSW Training Center named Feliks Dzerzhinski, in 1957-1990 he was a special military service, responsible, among other things, for military counterintelligence; The Main Information Council of the Polish Army

Among the photocopies of documents published on Twitter concerning Iwulski, Cenckiewicz also placed an excerpt of the order naming the second lieutenant. Józef Iwulski is a lieutenant. Under the order of December 1982, the head of the General Political Council of the Polish Army, General Maj. Józef Baryła and the head of the Defense Service, General Florian Siwicki. Both – as members of the Military Council for National Salvation – were charged with the introduction of martial law in Poland in December 1981 and related repressions.

According to a message from the Presidential Chancellery, Judge Józef Iwulski Iwulski said last week that "he was not" the deputy, let alone the successor and the President of the Supreme Court Małgorzata Gersdorf ", and only replace it" if it is absent ". At the same time, he assured that the president did not appoint him or assign him the functions of the first president, but only his election by the president of Gersdorf

Last week, "Gazeta Polska Daily" declared that the judge was in 1982 activists convicted of the independence of the opposition. The newspaper refers to the records of the National Memory Institute, which must indicate the decisions rendered in the cases concerning the opposition issued in the years of martial law by the second lieutenant. Józef Iwulski, Judge of the Krakow and Warsaw Military Tribunals.

On Monday, Iwulski stated that during the state of siege at first instance, he had ruled on a case in which prison sentences were handed down. "In other cases, I did not rule out that I could judge incidental decisions, that is, not to incur criminal liability, for example regarding the exclusion of 39, a judge, refer the case to another court, suspend the proceedings. with the most important information of the day? Like onet News on Facebook!


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