Sławomir Cenckiewicz: President of the Supreme Court Józef Iwulski is an officer of the LWP


"Supreme Court President Jozef Iwulski is an officer of the LWP and a WSW soldier trained – on a photo in WSW uniform! I saw his record in the IPN" – said Cenckiewicz. He noted that Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki "was right about Communists at the Supreme Court," writes Cenckiewicz on Twitter

. By inserting a photocopy of the military service and civilian work card, Iwulski added that "even in the WSW soldier card that he went to work at the Supreme Court. "" Thank you for these free judgments! " According to a message from the Chancery, Judge Józef Iwulski of 4 July – by law, not the decision of the first president of the Supreme Court – heads the Supreme Court

Statement by Józef Iwulski

Iwulski declared the last week he is not "the deputy, let alone the successor and the president of the Supreme Court of Małgorzata Gersdorf", and only replaces it "he is absent". At the same time, he assures that the president does not appoint him or assign him the functions of the first president, but only his election by the president of Gersdorf

Last week, "Gazeta Polska Codzienna" reported that the judge sat in 1982. he condemned activists of the opposition of independence. The newspaper refers to the records of the National Memory Institute, which must indicate the decisions rendered in the cases concerning the opposition issued in the years of martial law by the second lieutenant. Józef Iwulski, Judge of the Military Tribunals in Krakow and Warsaw

Iwulski said yesterday that during the state of siege in first instance of political issues, he ruled on a case in which sentences of в # <в # < imprisonment were pronounced. – In other cases, I do not rule out being able to rule on incidental decisions, ie not to rule on criminal liability, for example on the exclusion of a judge, the dismissal of a case in another court. the most important information of the day? Like onet News on Facebook!


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