Slopes on the bottom of the Baltic. An unusual discovery on Hel


Strong winds unveiled the tracks in front of the decades at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. An amazing discovery was made by a man running on the beach. The director of the local museum explains how traces can be found.

Although it sounds like a joke, it's certainly not the case. The Hel Peninsula recently blew a strong wind that made the beach shorter. Through these eyes appeared traces, located a few meters from the shore. He was noticed by Grzegorz Elmiś, who was running in this area. He took pictures and made a video, which he then posted on the web.

Władysław Szarski, director of the Museum of Coastal Defense, in an interview with TVN24, explained that these are not tracks in the exact meaning of the word. – These are prefabricated elements of a length of several meters. They were temporarily assembled to haul heavier items and load ships or ships – explained Szarski. When asked about the journalist's question about their age and the reason he was built, he admitted that he did not know the answer. – These elements have been arranged as needed. The Poles did it before the war, and then the Germans – he said.

It is suspected that the spans come from the 1950s. Artur Labudda explained that at that time Helium was heavily fortified and it was one of the ways to move heavy elements. .

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