Social Insurance Institution will pay companies to improve working conditions – Puls Biznesu


Even half a million zlotys can be obtained by a company that decides to improve working conditions. As reported by Sebastian Szczurek, a spokesperson for the ZUS branch in Opole, requests can be submitted by 23 August. Competition is national.

The co-financing will go to companies that will participate in a competition announced by the Social Insurance Institution. It is addressed to companies that intend to raise the level of health and safety at work and to reduce the risks of accidents at work and occupational diseases. Projects that will be approved by the Social Insurance Institution can be implemented next year. To this end, the institution has set aside PLN 50 million nationwide

The level of co-financing will depend on the size of the company. Micro businesses, employing up to 9 employees, can count up to 90%. co-financing project costs, while small businesses, 10-49 people – 80 percent. Medium-sized enterprises, employing up to 249 people, will receive 60%. anticipated costs. Large companies with more than 250 employees can count on the smallest support. In their case, co-financing can reach 20%.

As Szczurek says, not everyone can ask for funding.

"Only contractors who regularly pay their ZUS obligations will count, that is, they will not be in arrears with social security contributions and Health insurance and pay taxes on time.It is important that the company is not bankrupt or liquidated.When assessing the application, we will also check if the company has already applied for such financing in the past ", adds the ZUS spokesperson in Opole

receive a grant, can submit a paper and electronic application via the website A paper version of the application must be submitted to any ZUS branch or sent by mail.

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