Someone bombed the headquarters of GDDKiA. "Arrows with an air rifle or a rifle"


At the headquarters of the Directorate General of Roads and National Highways in Wola, one person damaged a glass facade. Employees suspect that the windows were pulled. Police investigate the case.

Everything happened Tuesday morning in the office building of Wronia Street.

– One of the employees arrived at the office early, before 7 pm – explains Jan Krynicki, spokesperson for GDDKiA. He adds that the employee heard the sound of broken glass and noticed the damaged glass.

"We do not know if it was a rifle or an air rifle, but the windshield was destroyed, and the damage clearly indicated that it was intentional," he says.

The outer layer of glass is pierced

The incident was immediately reported to the police. – We accepted the notification of the damage caused to four glass panels constituting the facade of the building. They broke up – informs Marta Sulowska of the local district office.

As Krynicki explains, the windows were so strong that only the outer layer of glass was pierced and bruised. They are located at the height of the fifth floor.

The police inspected the site and determined how the damage had been done.

See also documents on damage to glass at the headquarters of the Muslim center of Ochota:

kk / h

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