Someone confused the pool with the toilet. Powsin Cultural Park apologizes for the inconvenience


In the middle of the summer, the Powsin pool was closed until further notice. The reason? One of the people who visited him confused the pond basin with the toilet. Disinfection is necessary because of the impurity in the water

The incident probably occurred yesterday because yesterday informed of the incident on his Kultury Park in Powsin – Ladies and gentlemen, we were forced to close the pool until further notice. The reason is the inappropriate behavior of a user who took the toilet with the sink . The feces are in the water – we read in the post.

The pool will be reopened after further disinfection and positive water test results . For difficulties, the Powsin Park of Culture excuses and pledges to "remove" the damage as soon as possible. For sewage works, the pool service suggests the use of other outdoor pools in Warsaw – we will notify you immediately of the reopening of the pool.

Netizens do not hide their surprise, though because of the absurdity of the case they try to justify the author – "And seriously, he could have been an intellectually handicapped person that the guardian has not ensured.This could also be a stupid farce of a stuffed fool.If so, then the police, the court and the cost of the restoration of the pool in the usable state "- we read in the comments. For now, people who want to use the pool at Powsin must be patient or enjoy the other pools.

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See also: What can you catch in the pool

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