South Korea's former president Park was sentenced to eight years in prison


Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was found guilty of, among other things, illegally receiving funds from the country's spy agency on Friday and eight years in prison additional, in addition to its current mandate

The woman was indicted last year after huge street protests against a sprawling scandal and was imprisoned for 24 years for corruption and abuse of power in April.

Friday Sentence – issued in his absence after refusing to attend District Court – came after a separate trial to pocket money from the National Intelligence Service (NIS) and intervene inappropriately in 2016 in the selection of parliamentary candidates of his ruling party

billion won ($ 2.9 million) of the spy agency, and two years for the election offense.

Penalties apply consecutively, which means the 66-year-old now faces a total of 32 years.

"The defendants received about three billion won over three years from the three NIS leaders. Due to this crime, the accused has suffered a considerable loss to the state treasury, "said Judge Seong Chang-Ho.

Three former NIS chiefs testified that they channeled funds to Park on his orders, court said 19659008] The judge reprimanded Park, who denied the charges, for being "uncooperative" during the hearing and interrogation by prosecutors

Park reportedly wasted taxpayers' money on maintaining his private home, financing a shop where his secret confidante Choi Soon-sil – the central figure in the corruption scandal – had Park and clothing made. 39 other private purposes, including massage

Choi took advantage of her "long private ties" with Park to extort bribes She is sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for abuse power, corruption and interference in the affairs of the State

. repentance –

On Friday, prosecutors asked a court of appeal to extend Park's sentence for his conviction for corruption and abuse of power at age 30, arguing that the initial sentence was too lenient.

multiplied by six to 118.5 billion won.

"The accused never repented or apologized sincerely to the people," prosecutors said in a statement. "Since October 2017, she has never appeared in court."

Park's lawyers requested that her conviction be overturned, stating that she had not won anything herself even when companies donated funds to Choi-controlled foundations. her dismissal and removal meant that she had already taken the "political responsibility" of the case

The Seoul High Court will render its decision on August 24.

At his first trial, Park was found guilty of receiving or asking for more than $ 20. She is the eldest daughter of the late dictator Park Chung-hee, who oversaw human rights abuses, but is also credited with leading the country's economic development in the 1960s and 1970s.

After his father was murdered in 1979 by his spying chief, Park was isolated and was bound by Choi, the daughter of a sh She continued to act as a secret mentor while at along his political career.

President Park Geun-hye (presented in court in August 2017) was deposed last year after huge protests in a sprawling scandal. imprisoned for 24 years for corruption and abuse of power in April

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