Speedway: A draw like the victory of Fogo Unia. Gorzów steel has bigger problems than it was suspected


Leszczynski managed to draw, despite the fact that Jarosław Hampel became weak again in Gorzów. The player did not manage to compete with a less favorable starting number. Looking at his actions in the first phase of the competition, one could have the impression that a rookie was in his place during the match. The 36-year-old is not much better off starting from the most advantageous internal field. After a good start in the 8th inning, he made a mistake and at the turn of a bend, he so jostled the bike that she almost crossed the track. Experienced player instead of fighting for victory, until the end of the problems defended against the attacks of Rafał Karczmarz. In the next race, after a good start, Hampel arrived at the finish line in front of Grzegorz Walasek, but he had to tremble for second place. With Jarosław Hampel in this form, Fogo Unia Leszno is facing a much tougher fight for the gold medal.

Gorzów also has his problems. Below expectations, Martin Vaculik went, who was twice able to outrun his rivals at a distance. Although it has been a month and a half since the Slovak returned to the track after an ankle injury, the player is still not able to return to the proper disposition. It is therefore not surprising that Szymon Woźniak also had big problems with the quick defeat of the consecutive archers, for whom he was the first performance after a monthly break.

However, before the Speedway riders went to the track, the organizers waged a real battle for this match to take place. Throughout the shower that went through the stadium half an hour before his scheduled departure. The track was completely flooded and guests needed more than an hour to cope with the excess water. First, the cleaning service cleaned the water from the track with brushes, and after a dozen minutes, he left heavy equipment and a machine that sprinkled new surfaces . Thanks to additional measures, we managed to bring the trail to the state before the rain. So cloud collisions did not affect the course of the meeting.


CASH STEEL BROKER: Kasprzak 11 (3, 3, 1, 2, 2); Walasek 7 + 1 (2 *, 1, 3, 1, 0); Vaculik 10 (1, 2, 2, 2, 3); Wozniak 2 + 2 (0, 1 *, 0, 1 *); Twilight 12 + 1 (3, 3, 2, 3, 1 *); Czerniawski 0 (0, 0, 0); Innkeeper 3 + 1 (1, 2 *, 0). [Trener:] Chomsky

UNION FOGO: Sayphutdinov 13 (1, 3, 3, 3, 3); Hampel 4 + 1 (0, 0, 1, 2, 1 *); Kurtz 4 + 1 (2 *, 2, 0, 0); Kołodziej 9 + 1 (3, 1 *, 2, 3, 0); Pawlicki 8 (1, 2, 3, 0, 2); Smektała 4 (3, 0, 1); Kubera 3 + 1 (2 *, 0, 1). [Menedżer:] Baron

[Sędziował:] Meyze (Wtelno)

[Widzów:] 11 214. [Najlepszy czas:] 58.53 (Zmarzlik, 6th speed)

[1. mecz:] 48:42 for Fogo Unia. [Bonus:] Fogo Unia Leszno

[Bieg po biegu:] 5: 1, 1: 5 (6: 6), 1: 5 (7:11), 5: 1 (12:12), 3: 3 (15:15), 3 : 3 (18:18), 4: 2 (22:20), 2: 4 (24:24), 4: 2 (28:26), 2: 4 (30:30), 4: 2 (34: 32), 2: 4 (36:36), 3: 3 (39:39), 3: 3 (42:42), 3: 3 (45:45)

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