Spka Passus debuted on NewConnect Tuesday


71,400 Series B units, 63,400 Series D shares and 248 shares of 300 Series F shares.

Since the issuance of Series F shares, the company is getting 1.26 million actions it intends to assign to the development of the automation system web application productivity testing and development of new products by the constitution of a capital group.

The business turnover of the company amounted to PLN 26.9 million in 2017, compared with PLN 17.1 million the previous year. 0.3 million euros compared to 2016, and EBITDA increased to 3.2 million from 0.8 million a year earlier. The company recorded a net profit of 2.08 million zlotys in 2017, while it was 0.1 million zlotys [1965900] in 2016. Passus informs in an information document that 39 It does not exclude the payment of dividends in the coming years, but it will depend on the financial situation of the company and the demand for capital. In the case of a dividend payment, it will rise to at least 10%.

For 2017, the company pays on August 5, 0.11 on a dividend per share, a total of 210.8 thousand. Passus is a producer and integrator of specialized solutions to improve the security and efficiency of IT networks

The portfolio offering includes solutions and applications to monitor and resolve network performance issues and applications and security solutions. IT (including vulnerabilities, data and document leak protection, network security), fraud and financial fraud protection systems in financial institutions (anti-fraud systems)

Passus continues to sell solutions for larger companies and plans to improve the product. An important investment sector will be banks, insurers and financial institutions as part of the anti-fraud solutions.

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