Stanisław Karczewski buys luxury limousines. And he was supposed to be "much more modestly"


The Senate Chancellery announced a call for tenders for the purchase of two luxury limousines. I want to pay more than 600,000 for them zł. Could Marshal Stanisław Karczewski forget what Jaroslaw Kaczynski said recently?

After the scandal of the Bajoń awards that former Prime Minister Beata Szydło handed over to his ministers, the president of the PiS decided to save the situation. He ordered to return the prices – pay them to Caritas account. He also announced a reduction in the salaries of parliamentarians and local government officials. He added that "society expects modesty and therefore this modesty will be introduced". – In short: it will be much, much more modestly at the moment. Much more modest than it was before – said the president of PiS

What does this modesty look like in practice? The Chancellery of the Senate has just announced a call for tenders for the purchase of two limousines. The maximum price is 144 thousand. Euro, or about 630 thousand

Cars, as indicated by "Fakt", must be brand new, with a metallic sheen, necessarily made of leather, a dark upholstery and black tinted windows . The specification also includes requirements for various installations, cars must be equipped with cruise control, special mirrors with lamps to illuminate the space around the car, bi-xenon headlights or LED technology , turning lights and rain. The limousines are supposed to have gasoline engines, with at least 200 horsepower, meeting EURO 6 emission standards and "liquid cooled with a catalyst".

Cars must be delivered with insurance packages, including full AC, OC, 24 Hour Assistance, NNW and Green Card, paid for one year

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