Stanisław Karczewski in Germany: Changes in the judicial system are de-communisation


  • The middle of the judges did not want to purify themselves, although it was announced that this would happen – said the Senate Speaker
  • Stanisław Karczewski rhetorically asked "in whose interest" the previous government sold the buildings of 32 diplomatic missions
  • used by the PiS as a symbol of the Polish transformation, the Marshal replied that he felt personally cheated by Wałęsa

At the meeting which s & Was held late in the evening, he was answering questions posed by representatives of Polonia. One of them concerned the reform of the judicial system led by PiS.

– We will not leave the path we have taken (…) Of course, we can not say that the protests do not care – that many thousands of people are protesting – although these protests have been reduced lately, said the Senate Speaker, referring to the latest protests under the seat of the Supreme Court

– We make these changes for the Poles (…) because the Poles are expecting this from us. And we introduce this decommunization here. And changes in the justice system are just communisation. For 30 years since the transformation, nothing has been done in the justice system; it was cemented – added Karczewski. He pointed out that with respect to the environment of the judges, "he did not want to purify himself, although it was announced that it would happen". He said that he had also heard criticisms of justice reform in Germany, but he was also convinced that these changes were necessary for the state.

Consulate Building Sales

Marshal Answers Questions on German Language Education Policy Polish Language. He said he was optimistic and felt that thanks to the political discussions, the situation of Polonia would improve over time.

He said that Polonia is diverse, but that it should consolidate around important issues for Poland; The Senate Speaker was also asked to evaluate the sale of the consulate building in Cologne during the PO-PSL coalition and whether the new building in which this facility is currently located will not be sold.

– I am a politician I came to politics and the PiS to make daring changes, but also to not do stupid things. If one of the previous foreign ministers sold 32 diplomatic units, who in whose interest? – asked Karczewski

Lech Wałęsa as a symbol of change

Another question concerned the role of former President Lech Wałęsa in the context of historical politics; The Senate Speaker asked why PiS does not talk about the merits of Walesa for the changes in Poland and does not use the symbol that he has become for Western countries.

Karczewski replied that he felt personally deceived by Walesa because – as he supported it – he did not tell the whole truth about his past. "Karczewski also believes that the opinion that Walesa" jumped over the fence and overthrown communism "is not fully justified." – This is not the whole truth, with him the fence jumped 10 million Poles – he said

The case was also evoked by the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andrzej Papierz. He said that Lech Walesa "nobody wants to cut in the # 39 "history." He argued that Walesa "does not behave quite like the former presidents behave" and that "itself is destroying its legend."

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