State corporations in the hands of the Prime Minister. Morawiecki will acquire new powers


As part of the proposed amendment to the State Property Management Act, the Prime Minister must acquire broader powers with respect to Treasury corporations.

The project adopted by the government by the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister assumes, inter alia, that the latter will be able to:

– issue voting instructions, for example concerning the appointment of a new member of the Supervisory Board of a given Treasury company;

– buy shares on behalf of the Treasury;

– coordinate the rules of management of state-owned property;

– request by Treasury companies or its subsidiaries to provide information on the management of State-owned assets;

– to appoint their representatives to the Treasury companies and to delegate to the members of the Council of Ministers, Plenipotentiaries of the Government or "legal persons of the State", including single-member companies, the power to administer the property of companies belonging to the Treasury.

According to Andrzej Czerwiński, a former finance minister, deputy and member of the energy and treasury parliamentary committee, he is in the process of taking control of the rest of the main state-owned companies.

– I'm not surprised by this trend. The PiS program clearly shows that all Poland needs to be centralized. Health care, banks, all businesses at hand. Centralization of power is under way – Czerwiński says in an interview with

As he adds, such an action will have the opposite effect. – Intelligent management is about finding people capable of solving problems without waiting for what someone will say. We will see immediately how central institutions are able to corrupt themselves. These are strong words, but it shows through the scandal of the KNF – stresses Czerwiński.

– As a former Treasury Minister, I can say that many strategic elements should be in the hands of the state, such as the transport of energy, the National Bank of Poland or the air corridors. The rest should be decentralized – he stressed during the interview with

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Former PiS deputy, Wojciech Jasiński, also former treasury minister, former president of Orlen and current plenipotentiary for the operational affairs of the Energa group's management. In an interview with, he stressed that the changes introduced were not contrary to the law and that the centralization of power was taking place here.

– Today, in principle, the tutelage of the departmental ministers is placed under the authority of the Prime Minister. The goal is probably that the Prime Minister has more specific oversight to make it consistent. I do not see any contradiction with the powers of the Prime Minister – said Jasiński.

"Prime Minister wants to formalize rights"

As he added, we are currently dealing in Poland with a principle under the Chancellor Government principle, according to which the Prime Minister has a great influence on what is happening.

– The Prime Minister seems to want to formalize his rights. I am a very big supporter of this. The example of other countries shows that the interest of the company in which the state is the main shareholder should not go against the l & # 39; Treasury interest – adds Wojciech Jasiński in an interview with

– The deep interest of the company is the Treasury's interest. Orlen must be strong in a strong Polish economy. There will be no strong Polish economy – no strong Orlen, strong PGE, strong Azoty. I am deeply convinced of this – emphasizes Jasiński.

– We have been dealing with the Polish ministerial trend for a long time, this law counteracts this – he summarizes in an interview with

According to Mirosława Nykiel MEP, member of the Energy and Treasury Parliamentary Committee, this law "is outrageous and reinstates the pre-1989 arrangements in Poland".

– It is better to nationalize these companies immediately, do not call them SOEs only by Treasury companies. It would be more honest to expose the CEOs who have the responsibility to the shareholder to multiply the value – says the MP.

– State control is desirable, especially in the energy sector, but not on such principles The direct control of state-owned companies by the prime minister is a curiosity. Unauthorized and unfounded – adds Mirosława Nykiel in an interview with

– It's nationalization and they do not even hide it. They have subordinate legal institutions first, and that's the next step. Scary, which can be further – concludes the MP from the OP.

"In many countries, the SOE model is based on coordination at the central level, which is also in line with the guidelines of international organizations that suggest that the traditional supervisory model is not suitable for dynamic public enterprises", explains the project. amendment.

The new solutions will come into effect 14 days after their publication in the Journal of Laws, with the exception of certain items that will come into force on other dates.

After the project is accepted by the government, the first reading will take place in the Sejm, after which the project will be referred to the Parliamentary Committee on Energy and the Treasury.

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yesterday (16:13)

realha ha ha ha ha …….. were these KNF machinations supposed to lead to this? Rhetorical question to a certain Szydło.

yesterday (16:25)

AndrewFrom what I remember, the company had to take over during the reign of Beata Szydło, but there was too much clamor. You do not think the KNF case is … Read all

yesterday (16:29)

JaroThis is in addition a legal looting of Poland.

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