State Forests: Currently twice as many forest fires as in previous years


This year, in the forests of Poland, we have twice as many fires as last year – the spokesman of the PAP, Krzysztof Trębski, told the PAP. At the same time, he pointed out that up to 37 percent. Fires are caused by people's lack of caution.

According to the state's forests, the most common cause of fires is people's lack of caution – up to 37 percent. all fires are caused by unlit cigarettes, matches, barbecues or bonfires. In 2017, nearly 3,600 fires broke out in Poland's forests, while only 6,000 were fired in the first half of this year.

According to the map of national forests, five voivodeships are exposed to an average risk of forest fires; these are: Lubuskie, Opolskie and parts of Wielkopolska, Dolnośląskie and Świętokrzyskie. As explained by state forest spokesman Krzysztof Trębski at PAP, the threat level is measured according to the moisture of the litter in the forests. – A small threat does not mean any threat to us; in the case of a big one, we can ban access to forests, but this year it has not happened yet – he noticed

– We always call for caution in the forests . There will be a heatwave in Europe, which favors dry litter, but up to now, the average threat should not cause anxiety, "said Trębski, claiming that" this year in our state forests we have twice as many fires as last year. "He noted that this situation does not only apply to state forests, but also to Poland as a whole." This year, spring went straight to summer. It is only recently that it has dropped, but before it is very dry and the weather is favorable to forest fires, stressed Mr. Trębski, in connection with events that occurred in Greece or Sweden, 79 people died and nearly 200 suffered. in Poland, there is none at all.

– State Forests spend 85 million zlotys a year for a fire system – we have observation stations where we regularly observe the situation "- said Trębski. they are threatened by fires due to species composition – in 60 percent. they are pines, often on rather dry and poor soils, our system works well, and fires are detected very quickly and removed before they can spread – note he

. "off in the egg", which is 57 percent. all; 395 were classified as "small" (39%) and 41 "average", or 4%. all that has broken out in all the forests of Poland.

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