Statement by the Greek Prime Minister on fires


– I called you here today, first and foremost, to take full political responsibility for this tragedy in front of you and all the Greek people – said the head of government in a TV show Greek

One of the causes of the fires was .in. the illegal construction of houses, for which – he stressed – the previous governments have given their consent for many years. He announced that he would take all necessary measures to change this state of affairs and at the same time help the inhabitants of these buildings.

Cipras added that there were indications that the fires were the work of incendiaries. "We have to be on our guard all summer," he said, pointing out that arsonists could hit again.

Yesterday, the Minister of the Order Nikos Toskas announced that the analysis of satellite images and the results of local inspections suggest in a short time in many places, most likely it was caused by a criminal fire.

Fires in Greece. The identification of the victims is in progress

Today, the identification of the victims has continued. In the designated morgue in Athens, DNA samples were collected from their relatives. According to the police, the analysis of the material collected will take at least a few days and it will then be possible to comment further on the number of victims.

With nearly 3,000 people. Provided up to here by housewives in areas damaged by fires, nearly half were deemed unsuitable for the construction of a new housing – the Greek government transmitted

In Greece, the State of emergency and a three-day national mourning ended yesterday. 19659009] Greece, besides Portugal, Spain and Italy, is one of the Mediterranean countries where periods of drought and temperatures have increased in recent decades, which is particularly favorable to forest fires.

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