Stefan Niesiołowski in Jarosław Kaczyński should be the symbol of the day of the subordinate | policy


Stefan Niesiołowski in the morning interview said, among other things, that the symbol of the foundation of the day should be the chairman of PiS.

Kaczyński should certainly be Kaczyński, who spoke of so many meanings and lies. Should I exchange? "Ladies in furs", "targowica", "ubecy", "thieves"

– mentioned the member. He called the PiS president "Polish Putin". – We can not overthrow Putin, but we can overthrow the "Polish Putin" and that is our role, the democratic opposition – he said.

Niesiolowski also mentioned the so-called return to the OP. – For the moment, I do not intend to change party, but I am preparing a joint letter. I've been in Seym for 22 years, I think that's enough – said

Stefan Niesio³owski "hated" in turn called cooperation with the councilor PiS Wojciech Kału to the Silesian Council.

Piotr Ma¶lak / £ ukasz KijekPiotr Ma¶lak / £ ukasz Kijek Fig.

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