Steve Bannon will set up a foundation to boost the far right in Europe.


  Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist for US President Donald Trump, attends a debate with Lanny Davis, Bill Clinton's former special adviser, at the Zofin Palace on May 22, 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist of the White House, is preparing for a future very focused on Europe. it has been reported to the Daily Beast that his plan is to offer a platform to the George Soros Open Society Foundation with his own populist organization which he says will be called The Movement. "Soros is great," said Bannon. "He's mean but he's brilliant."

According to Bannon's vision, the Movement will seek to help far-right candidates across the continent by assisting them in polls and messages. The goal is for the foundation to make its mark with the European Parliament elections next spring. Bannon's vision includes the formation of a right-wing "supergroup" in the European Parliament that could include up to one-third of lawmakers. "A united populist bloc of this size would have the capacity to seriously disrupt parliamentary procedures, potentially granting Bannon a huge power within the populist movement," says the Daily Beast. After the mid-term elections in November, Bannon himself plans to spend about 50% of his time in Europe.

The news is not unexpected as Bannon travels to Europe to support candidates and right-wing groups since he was ousted from the White House in August 2017. "I prefer reign in hell rather than serve in paradise, "Bannon told the Daily Beast.He raised a lot of eyebrows earlier this year when he told a rally of the far right in France that they should be proud to be called racist. "Let them call you racist," Bannon told members of the French National Front at their annual convention. "Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists. Wear it as a badge of honor. "

Bannon is waiting to start relatively small with the organization that will probably have its headquarters in Brussels. It will start recruiting staff in the coming months, but expects that there will be less than 10 full-time employees before the European Parliament elections in May 2019. Hopefully, the # 39; goal is to increase this number to 25.

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