Steve Wozniak in Poland – the cost of the visit


Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, went to Poland on Tuesday. He attended a meeting organized by the Polish National Foundation. The businessman and inventor, who has Polish roots, also met with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

"Rzeczpospolita" estimated Monday that the NFP would pay at least 600,000 euros for the visit of Wozniak. zł.

Wozniak is the second person transferred to Poland as part of the "100X100" foundation project, which is to promote our country abroad. In September, world champion Miki Hakkinen came to Warsaw to be invited.

Steve Wozniak at the meeting of the Polish National Foundation

"Rzeczpospolita" wrote Monday that Wozniak's visit was in preparation for the last moment. PFN informed of his arrival five days before his arrival on Friday, November 23rd on Facebook and Twitter, and the same day.

However, there was no detailed information – what is the timing of this visit or the plan of the meeting – pointed out the agenda.

– Friday, the Foundation announced that Wozniak would come, but Saturday, his office said that "the guest did not complete the formalities" and Wozniak will not come – says a person who knows behind the scenes with whom Rz spoke.

The newspaper wrote that it was probably a lack of payment for the arrival of Wozniak – a resolution about it had to be taken by the board of trustees of the Foundation and most likely because of the cost high to approve by the board, from where the representatives of the founders – we read.

Visit Wozniak on NFP social networking sites

We examined the social channels of PFN. On the day of the announcement of the visit, five days before the event, a message was posted on Twitter, suggesting that requests to attend the meeting with Wozniak should have been sent to the address provided by November 26 (12:00).

After this hour on Facebook, the Foundation wrote that because of its great interest, it kindly informed that the list of participants had already been closed. Followers of the Foundation's profile expressed their irritation and disappointment. PFN is assured that the meeting would be recorded.

Photo: Kuba Atys / Agencja Gazeta

Photo: Kuba Atys / Agencja Gazeta

Wozniak spoke about him, among other things about the development of the startup scene and state support, which, in his opinion, is crucial. He pointed to California, which, when designing and entering the Mac 2 market, offered new tax cuts to start-ups.

interrogates For a solution that will change the lives of billions of people around the world in the future, he said that it would likely be derived from the development of artificial intelligence.

He also said that in the future, he would like to see how artificial intelligence becomes more humane and natural. He explained, however, that right now it is impossible to say exactly when it will be possible.

After the meeting, which was partially reported on social networking sites, the Polish National Foundation wrote on Facebook: "This is just the beginning and we are constantly working for Poland".


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