Stobnica: The Ministry of the Environment is interested in the construction of the castle in the forest of Noteć


The investor is the company D.J.T. of Poznań, whose owners – the Nowak family – were associated with the major clothing brand Solar in Poznań.

Read: Stobnica: The Poznań-based company places a huge building in the heart of the Noteć Forest. Who owns the castle?

The consent for the construction of a 15-storey building, including 14 on the surface and 1 underground, was issued by Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Poznań, which previously asked investors to prepare an environmental impact report. The building has 46 residential apartments with a majority of apartments, as well as support functions.

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Interestingly, the alternative descriptions of the project also included the construction of a fitness center, swimming pools, gymnasiums, gyms, a library, and a theater hall. . The current building is intended for 97 residents and 10 staff members.

The construction of such a castle gives rise to considerable controversy. Not only among the residents and the ecologists, but also among the leaders.

The Ministry of the Environment requested explanations from the Poznań Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection.

This is confirmed by RDOŚ spokesperson in Poznań, Łukasz Dąbkowski, who points out that the ministry also received questions about this investment.

– In the present case, we have received a request for a decision determining the conditions for carrying out work in valuable natural areas, and as part of this procedure we have also examined the issue of qualifications to obtain an environmental decision . According to the ministerial regulation, projects likely to have a significant environmental impact (and therefore for which such a decision is required) include housing development and infrastructure included in the local development plan with an area of development of at least 2 ha in protected areas. nature. The submitted documentation showed that the building area would be less than 2 ha, which led to a lack of qualifications for an environmental decision – says Dąbkowski.

– Therefore, the only legal option to study the impact of an investment on a valuable natural space was to require the applicant to submit to the RDO a record sheet. project information and a report on the impact of the project on the Natura 2000 site.

Although the area on which the object is located is in the heart of the Noteć forest, the environmental impact report shows that the investment will not have occurred. significant negative impact on the Natura 2000 area.

– After the impact assessment of the Natura 2000 site carried out in April 2015, a decision was made on the conditions of implementation of the project and then, in May of the same year, on the decision to define the conditions of realization of the works.

Check: The Notec Forest: Castle on the water. Stobnica on the lips of all Poland. Moloch construction in pictures. Impact on the Natura 2000 area


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