Storm on Tyson's armband. "According to the insurgents, this is desecration" – News and information of the country


Director Warsaw Uprising Museum Jan Ołdakowski, guest of Polsat News on Monday, discusses a video recorded on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising by the former world boxing champion Mike Tyson. Athlete drew attention to him, among other things about the need to remember the participants of the 1944 push – We must never forget the Warsaw Uprising; these brave Polish heroes are true masters – he said.

According to Ołdakowski, thanks to Tyson's statement, "a lot of things are said – for the moment in Poland – about the Warsaw uprising". – I hope you speak abroad – he stressed and stressed that "the thing that raises anxiety, the objection" is the white band and red with which the athlete played on the recording, which recalls the one in which during the uprising, its participants wore. This use of the Polish symbol has been criticized by many Internet users.

According to Ołdakowski, "in Poland, the insurgents still believe that the insurgent armband is something that distinguishes them". – They did not have uniforms, in fact they did not take anything with them after the Warsaw uprising; sometimes they had AK ID cards, a few things and just a cuff. And they still believe that's what identifies them – he explained.

When asked if he was in agreement with the opinion of Internet users that the symbol of the uprising had been desecrated by Tyson, Ołdakowski replied: This is what the insurgents think . He recalled that when the construction of the Warsaw Uprising Museum began, the idea emerged that during the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the uprising, all the Varsovians established white and red stripes as a symbol solidarity with the insurgents. – The insurgents then said "no, you can not, it is our holiness". (…) The group is something very festive, it's a symbol of a special moment – he stressed.

Ołdakowski emphasized, however, that the use of such an important symbol for Poles may not have been intended to deliberately offend insurgents. – It was a different cultural area. Perhaps they did not have the impression of crossing a taboo, something special that, from Poland's point of view, was out of date. (…) that he (Tyson-PAP) wears an armband, that he refers to the insurgents, in the Polish understanding – especially the insurgents – claims to be an insurgent, c & 39; is probably too much [1945900] – he concluded. He noted, however, that there are no plans to intervene in the use of the symbol.

The director of the MPW also mentions the critical opinions of Internet users, from which it emerges that during the Sunday meeting of the insurgents with the president Andrzej Duda during which the president gave to the veterans the orders and decorations of State, Ołdakowski tried to dismiss one of the insurgents.

– It is the moment when a long official ceremony, where everything is described every minute, was suddenly broken by one of the insurgents; we, the insurgents, are very respectful that they can break the rules, but unfortunately, the formula of "open microphone" during such ceremonies is excluded – explained Ołdakowski. – And when, after a few minutes, he was unable to go to the point (…), I went to let him know that there is a time when – due to the fact that several Hundreds of colleagues listen to him – tired of the heat and fearing the rain, what you mean – say – he explained. – We did not take his voice, we did not cut his microphone – he assured.

Explaining the situation, the director of MPW noted that the insurgent had entered the scene "completely out of the script because he had a mission to say (something)". – There was no precision in this; the performance was great, but then maybe emotions, nerves caused that statement began to tear – he felt.

Ołdakowski also referred to the words of the insurgent, who stressed that the participants in the insurgency should receive only the highest military decorations. – Mr. Speaker, the only decoration for the Varsovians is Virtuti Militari – said the insurgent.

As Ołdakowski explained, the speaker "meant that the insurgents should only have Virtutti Militari as soldiers." – Many insurgents also receive decorations for social activities, because something exceptional and what was heard yesterday, is that the insurgents themselves are fighting; they are fighting for memory so that their followers are active people – explained the director of MPW.

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