Subscription product – KRRiT forecast for 2019


Polish television will receive slightly more than half of the RTV subscription money next year, but no more than 331.4 million zlotys. This was the decision of the National Broadcasting Council, which was preparing a subscription forecast for 2019 and its distribution among the public media.

According to the regulator in 2019, a mandatory fee on the part of viewers and listeners will total PLN 650 million [1945900]. The forecast has been prepared on the basis of the current subscription system – despite numerous announcements from politicians, it will not change quickly.

Of the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the National Broadcasting Council, Polish television will receive in 2019, 98 percent subscriptions – no more than 33380 million PLN will be transferred to the account of the company headed by Jacek Kurski.

24.51% will go to Polish radio. of the sum of the RTV subscription which does not exceed 159,317 million PLN. In turn, the regional radio stations of Polish radio will receive 24.51 percent. revenue, maximum PLN 159,303 million

What happens if the revenue exceeds PLN 650 million? The National Board of Broadcasting and Television distributes them appropriately among public broadcasters, taking into account the cost analysis for missionary missions

Subscription forecast for 2019 lower than that of this year

KRRiT's forecast for next year is lower than forecasts for this year 2018, which speaks of 690 million zlotys of revenue from the mandatory payment to the public media. This year, TVP will receive 51.02% of the subscription fee. this amount, that is to say not more than 352 million PLN. In turn, in 2017, the public television account received a real amount of 355.1 million PLN from the RTV subscription.

These amounts do not include the compensation of revenues from an RTV subscription lost in 2010-2017 due to the exemption of certain social groups from this fee which was paid to Telewizja Polska in two parts and rose to 860 million PLN [19659003] In 2019, the subscription fee will not change. For the use of radio receivers, you will pay 7 PLN, and a TV or radio and TV receiver – 22.70 PLN. Monthly fees are lower if you pay in a few months in advance.


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