Success of astronomers. They managed to record the most accurate image of the center of the Milky Way


The photo shows the area surrounding the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A *, located 25,000 light years from Earth. The image was recorded thanks to the MeerKAT radio telescope network. It is the most accurate image of the center of our galaxy!

Scientists have succeeded in recording the most accurate image of the center of the Milky Way

The MeerKAT radio telescope consists of 64 telescopes. Located in South Africa – it's one of the largest observatories in the world! Thanks to this technology, we have managed to record the most accurate image of the center of our galaxy up to now. The picture shows the area around of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A * ie 25 thousand. light years of our planet. You can see the size area 1 mile. for 500 light-years – the photo is actually a map of radio broadcast sources. The center of the Milky Way can not be seen in the traditional way. It is necessary to use radio waves that penetrate obstacles such as gas clouds and dust.
The center of the galaxy was an obvious goal: unique, visually striking and full of unexplained phenomena, but also very difficult to observe with radio telescopes. and a lot remains to be optimized, we decided to visualize first the center of the galaxy and we were stunned by the results "- commented Fernando Camilo member of the research team from South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) The colors you see on the image symbolize the power of the radio wave signal received by the telescope, red represents the lowest emissions, orange and yellow slightly stronger, and white – the most powerful sources.źródło:DziennikNaukowy;ScienceDaily/AG

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