Sunday 2019 CALENDAR ONLINE. See the calendar of commercial and free trade Sundays in 2019


Sundays 2019. When will the stores be closed?

Soon, Sunday shopping will only be possible once a month. The changes, previously promised by the trade unionists, will take effect immediately after the new year. Entrepreneurs do not hide their terror. In their view, a trade ban three times in a month could have deplorable consequences for the Polish economy.

– This is an idea that harms the internal market – Andrzej Faliński, expert in trade and retail, comments "Dziennik Bałtycki". – Our economy builds its domestic product and its development mainly on consumption. Now this consumption is cut, as if it were infinite. And that's not it. Already at the present time, according to the latest data, the dynamics of consumption has risen from about 4.9-4.8 to 4.5%. The optimism of borrowers gradually crosses the company, the effect 500+ begins to falter and I think that taking this work time from one side means taking the macro-economy of one side and weaken the entities from the other – he adds.


Representatives of the Polish Trade and Distribution Organization have similar views.
– Legislative changes affecting trade fall at the pinnacle of economic growth. We therefore agree that they do not affect the economy of our country. But we are already seeing that sales momentum is down, so it is likely that the economy will slow down in the next few months. Starting in early 2019, three Sundays will be non-commercial and will be affected not only by consumers, but also by the state budget – he tells us Renata Juszkiewicz, President of POHiD.

Sunday 2019. Solidarity is calm

We asked the unionists a comment on this. They make sure that the contractors have no reason to worry.
– It's outrageous and unfortunately typical of the trade industry – I mean scary negative effects – he says Marek Lewandowski, spokesperson for Solidarity. – Cassandra predicts a loss of 100,000 Jobs and losses of several billion did not work, they also ridiculed the experts of employers. The situation is exactly the opposite. Already today, about 160,000 people are missing. employees, and the turnover increases instead of decreasing. Let me remind you that the trade restriction applies every Sunday, which has been known from the beginning. In a way, we agreed on a compromise solution – a specific vacatio legis – to spread it over two years. And the situation, where every Sunday without trade will be healthier than what is happening now, where we are constantly wondering whether it is a free or commercial Sunday – continues Marek Lewandowski and adds at the end: The motive The introduction of restrictions was to correct the fate of nearly 1.2 million trade employees. Research has shown that employees have accepted this change very well, as have consumers. And that's what you should appreciate.

The trade ban will also apply on Saturdays – trade regulations need to be revised – say trade unionists. In response to changes made by some retail chains to their employees, they suggest extending the Sunday day to 31 hours. The representatives of the Polish Chamber of Commerce do not support this idea.

Trade ban on Saturdays from 22 to 5 hours?
Although the dissatisfied customers' opinions are much more numerous, the representatives of NSZZ Solidarność explain that an extension of the Sunday day would eliminate the gap in the law on the prohibition of Sunday trading which would is unfavorable to employees.

Sunday evening will begin on Saturday at 22. End Monday at 5 am

Prohibition to negotiate on Sunday. How many Sunday without trade in 2020?

The total trade ban will apply from 2020, with the exception of 7 Sundays a year in times of heavy traffic: three before Christmas and the last Sunday of January, April, June and August. .

Annoying Sundays without trade. What does the work of the inspectors look like?


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