Sunday of business. In July, you will not make purchases on three Sundays


FIG. Igor Bukhlin

Shopping on July 8th you will not do. Mao, it will not work the next two Sundays

In July 2018 s and three banned on Sunday. Thus, the next Sunday of the races falls on July 29th. On July 8, you will not make any purchase.

Is it today a Sunday of shopping? – we often ask this question. Although the law prohibiting Sunday trading has been in force since March 2018, many people still have problems indicating when stores are closed properly.

The month of July is particularly important. The first day of this month falls on Sunday – and this Sunday was a trade. The next stores – July 8th, 15th and 22nd – should be closed. Open, however, they may be the last Sunday of the month, which will fall on July 29th.

This month is unique, because it falls there and three Sundays without trade. Usually these are just two of these Sundays a month. A similar situation will be repeated in 2018 only in September

. Read this: No exchange on Sunday. The war on promotion makes us spend more

The store owner will go over how to comply with the laws. Now he opens the company even on Sunday. Watch the video:

Sunday, July 29th. But where can you go shopping?

On July 8, just as in a week, the ban on Sunday will be valid, it should be remembered that there are shops that are excluded from the ban. You can go shopping every Sunday, for example at petrol stations. And usually you can buy not only fuel and car accessories, but also food products. Pharmacies, florists, pastry shops, bakeries and exchange offices can be opened. Do you go to the movies and you want to buy popcorn? That should not be the case with this – the small restore points in these places are usually open, even on non-commercial Sundays.

Not only these stores, however, can be opened on non-commercial Sundays. Purchases can be done in places where the entrepreneur faces the cash register, which is the owner of the store.

However, larger purchases, for example in a supermarket or a discount, will have to be made. The next Sunday of purchases will take place on July 29th.

Read: The trade ban will project Poland far beyond the podium in Europe. The decline in the pace of purchases

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