Sunday of the trade MARCH 2019. Is today the 31/03. the shops are open? Sunday schedule and ban on Sunday trading in 2019 [31.03.2019 r.]


Sundays 2019 – when the ban on trade?

The law restricting trade on Sunday comes into effect on March 1, 2018.

  • Until the end of 2018, the ban on trading on Sunday it did not apply on the first and last Sunday of each month, nor on the following two Sundays before Christmas and the Sunday before Easter.
  • In 2019, the ban on trade it will not apply on the last Sunday of each month, as well as two consecutive Sundays preceding Christmas and the Sunday before Easter.
  • Prohibition of trade since 2020 does not apply on the last Sunday of January, April, June and August of each calendar year, as well as two consecutive Sundays preceding Christmas and the Sunday before Easter.

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In some cases, trade and commerce are allowed every Sunday, for example in a service station, in pharmacies.

As they explained at the origin of the trade restriction on Sunday, it is a socially important problem. This can strengthen social bonds, especially family ties.

They pointed out that mothers were an important group of people working in commerce and that Sunday was often the best time to spend time with children and family.

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Sunday without work gives all family members the opportunity to rest together and restore their original meaning to the celebration of the day.

The solutions adopted in the law are the result of parliamentary work on the civic project.

Sundays 2019. When will the stores open on Sundays?

  • Sunday of the trade – 27 January 2019
  • Sunday of the trade 24th February 2019
  • Sunday of the tradeMarch 31, 2019
  • Sunday of the trade – 14 and 28 April 2019
  • Sunday of the trade – May 26, 2019
  • Sunday of the trade – 30th June 2019
  • Sunday of the trade – July 28, 2019
  • Sunday of the trade – August 25, 2019
  • Sunday of the trade 29th September 2019
  • Sunday of the trade 27th October 2019
  • Sunday of the trade 24th November 2019
  • Sunday of the trade – 15, 22 and 29 December 2019
The trade ban 2019 on Sunday. When will the stores be open in March 2019? Andrzej Banas / Poland Press

Free Sundays

The ban on trading on Sunday 2019 will apply

  • January 2019 – Sunday 6, 13 and 20
  • February 2019 – Sunday 3, 10, 17
  • March 2019 – Sunday 3, 10, 17, 24
  • April 2019 – Sunday 7, 21
  • May 2019 – Sunday 5, 12, 19
  • June 2019 – Sunday 2, 9, 16, 23
  • July 2019 – Sunday 7, 14, 21
  • August 2019 – Sunday 4, 11, 18
  • September 2019 – Sunday 1, 8, 15, 22
  • October 2019 – Sunday 6, 13, 20
  • November 2019 – Sunday 3, 10, 17
  • December 2019 – Sunday 1, 8

Prohibition to negotiate on Sunday 2019. Who does the law apply to?

The Trade Restrictions Act applies to:

  • employees,
  • temporary employees
  • other natural persons working on the basis of civil law contracts – performing paid work with a contractor engaged in a commercial activity.

A commercial institution within the meaning of the law is "an object in which trade is exercised and trade-related activities are exercised".

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Prohibition to negotiate on Sunday 2019. What activities should be treated as directly related to trade?

Activities at a point of sale necessary for the conclusion of a sales transaction may be considered directly related to the business.

In particular, it is about:

  • accept and process orders,
  • exposure of goods,
  • culling,
  • removal of defective or expired products,
  • packaging
  • all activities related to the preparation of a point of sale for the trade (for example, cash register preparation, distribution of money, severance pay for staff),
  • activities related to the end of trading on a given day and the closing of the point of sale (for example, conversion and settlement of turnover, security control, activation of an alarm).

For activities directly related to commerce, you can not include, for example:

  • object protection,
  • cleaning facilities by the cleaning team,
  • maintenance and maintenance work related to the operation of equipment.

To circumvent the act, it would be desirable to entrust these activities, under additional obligations, to employees or employees carrying out commercial activities or other business-related activities at a point of sale from Monday to Saturday.

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Prohibited to carry on business on Sunday, 2019. Can an entrepreneur use his family's help on Sundays and public holidays?

The use of occasional and unpaid help from family members in this case does not violate the provisions of the law. However, they can not be employees or employees of such a contractor and perform paid work on other days of the week.

Prohibition to bargain on Sunday 2019. What grounds should be considered decisive for the recognition that a contractor, natural person, carries out transactions for his own account and for his own account?

Exclusion of art. 6 para. 1 point 27 of the law on partners of a civil partnership will be possible, provided that these people negotiate in person, without the help of employees or employees.

At the same time, since a partner in a civil law company is neither an employee nor an employee, this issue remains outside the purview of the PIP.

According to the prevailing view, the franchisee acts on his own behalf and for his own account, and the franchise agreement between him and the franchisor is only a form of business management.

Thus, if a franchisee employing employees or employees wishes to open his shop on a Sunday or holidays, it is possible provided that he carries out the business only in person.

Prohibited to operate on Sunday 2019. Is a point of sale at a gas station subject to a ban?

According to the law, the ban does not apply to service stations. Thus, if the store is part of a gas station, it is excluded from the trade ban.

Prohibition to trade on Sunday 2019. Will markets, bazaars and flea markets be allowed to operate on Sundays and public holidays during the period of the trade ban?

In accordance with the law on the limitation of trade on Sundays and public holidays and on certain other days, the prohibition of trade does not apply to commercial establishments in which the trade is carried out by a contractor who is a natural person only in person, for his own account and for his own account .

Therefore, the above-mentioned exclusion also applies to a contractor who is a natural person and trades exclusively in person, for his own account and for his own account, in a bazaar or a market.


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