Survey. Most against the beginning of Tusk in the elections in 2020


So far, Donald Tusk has not ruled out the desire to start the presidential elections in 2020. – If PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczynski decided to run for president, I would not Would not hesitate for a moment and I would face such a duel – he declared in mid-July

Decision on the participation in the presidential election in 2020 Donald Tusk However, it will not be up to # 39 to December 2019 – announced the head of the OP Grzegorz Schetyna.

SW Research asked the Poles if they think that Donald Tusk should take part in the presidential election in 2020. The largest group of respondents, 43% believe that Donald Tusk should not show up the presidential election of 2020. A little less, because 39 percent. respondents are of the opinion that Donald Tusk should run. 18 percent

– Against the beginning of the Tusk in the presidential election, people under 24 (51%), respondents with basic / vocational education (54%), respondents whose income Piotr Zimolzak from the SW Research Research Agency

See also:

The disaster of the Tusk project? The health of children at risk

Will Donald Tusk be questioned?


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