Survey. Poles want refugees in the country?


Nearly 29 percent he believes we should be receiving refugees until they can return to their country. Only 5 percent. is of the opinion that we should allow refugees to settle and establish themselves freely. Residents of more than two million cities (12%), people with a higher education level (10%) and respondents identifying to the left (11%) say they prefer unconditional settlement of migrants (19659002). 73%), skilled and unskilled workers (77 and 78%), people employed on private farms (78%), less educated respondents and identifying with the law. The frequency of participation in religious practices does not affect the attitude towards refugees

but party preferences are important. OP supporters are the most willing to accept refugees and allow them to settle (17%). This opinion is closest to the people declaring to vote for Nowoczesna – 70 percent. among them agrees to give temporary shelter to refugees. PiS supporters (with Solidarna Polska and Porozumienie) most often hesitate to open borders to migrants – 80%. from among them believes that Poland should not accept refugees at all. Among non-voters, 70% of respondents (19659004) In total, almost three-quarters of Poles (72%) are reluctant to refugees outside Europe and a little over one-fifth (22%) among admirers of migrants entering the European Union. The disapproval of Poland's acceptance of refugees from outside Europe is more frequently expressed by the youngest (82% from 18 to 24 years old). Comparable percentages of opponents harboring migrants from the Middle East and Africa are service workers (81%), skilled workers (83%) and unskilled workers (88%), respondents working on private farms (84%) and respondents

The opening to the reception of migrants is relatively more important among residents of large cities (41% supports the admission of refugees in Poland), management and specialists in higher education (37%), people with monthly income for people over 1800 zlotys (32%), not participating in religious practices (33%) , and those identifying with the left (44%).

PiS voters are the most opposed to the admission of refugees from the Middle East and Africa (92%) and the Kukiz movement '15 (85%). The most open is the electorate of Nowoczesna (60% of supporters of relocation) and the OP (51%). Of those who do not want to participate in parliamentary elections, 76% oppose the admission of refugees from outside Europe. According to CBOS, the majority of respondents (75%) said that they oppose asylum for immigrants from Muslim countries, even though Poland would be punished for losing money. money with European funds.

Another is the attitude of the Poles. areas affected by armed conflict. More than half of respondents (56%) support their adoption and just over one-third (35%) oppose it. "One can also assume that Poles as a single religious nation are more animated towards Muslim migrants than refugees."

The reluctance to accept refugees from Ukraine is most often reported by rural people (43%). , less educated respondents (46%), service workers (45%), unskilled workers (59%), respondents whose income is less than PLN 900 per person in the household (47%), and those who assess their own conditions material as bad (55%). According to CBOS, party preferences do not affect opinions on the admission of Ukrainian refugees as much as in previous cases.

The "Current problems and events" study was conducted by computer-assisted direct interviews from June 7 to June 14, 2018 on a representative sample of 989 people. Adult inhabitants of Poland

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