suspected to have murdered Kristina has dangerous prisoner status


– The prison commission has decided that the 10-year-old Kristina murder suspect from Mrowin will be given the status of a dangerous prisoner – the spokesperson for the director general of the prison administration said on Wednesday. Lieutenant-Colonel Elowsbieta Krakowska, to the press. The man is under special supervision.

As reported by Krakowska, Jakub A. was admitted to the Swidnica Detention Center. Then he was transferred to another prison.

Yesterday, the Prison Committee decided to give this man the status of a so-called dangerous prisoner. Jakub A. is currently detained in one of the penitentiaries designed to be part of this category of prisoners – said Krakowska Wednesday morning.

"Incorporated movement limited to the minimum"

According to the prison services, Jakub A. is in a supervised cell monitored 24 hours a day, monitored more often than for other purposes.

Aged 22, he walks in a specially designated place under the reinforced control of officers.

– The movement of the so-called dangerous prisoner is limited to the necessary minimum. Like any prisoner, Jakub A. has the opportunity to contact an educator, a psychologist and a doctor – said Lt. Col. Elżbieta Krakowska.

Krakowska added that people suspected of committing crimes such as the murder of a child, especially in high-profile cases, are still subject to increased scrutiny and surveillance of the agents of the child. The penitentiary administration, in order to guarantee their safety but also the proper conduct of the proceedings.


Journalist about a 22-year-old man suspected of murdering Kristina, 10 years

Video: tvn24 Journalist about a 22-year-old man suspected of murdering Kristina, 10 years

Long live the arrest

On Tuesday afternoon, after the press conference at which the 22-year-old was arrested, arrests were made in the custody of the neighboring court. The detainees launched vulgar cries at the address of the man.


Vulgar cries over the suspect

Video: TVN24 Wrocław Vulgar cries over the suspect

He confessed to the crime

Judge Marzena Rusin-Gielniewska, spokeswoman of the Świdnica District Court, announced that the widnica district court had taken into account the prosecutor's request and arrested the suspect of murdering a 10-year-old girl Mrowin in Lower Silesia for three months. A man is threatened with a prison sentence for life.

Prosecutor Mariusz Pindera told reporters after the arrest meeting that the suspect had confessed to the charges against him and confirmed the explanations provided earlier during the investigation. Pinder's attorney also said the investigators would order a 22-year-old psychiatric examination.

A 22-year-old man was arrested on a Sunday afternoon. In the evening, he was taken to the Widnica district prosecutor's office for questioning. The prosecutor's office accused him of murder with a particular cruelty – motivations deserving of a special sentence, insults against the corpses – and charge of inciting another person to participate in the murder.

Photo Disclosure Investigation

In the social media, photos of Jakub A., sitting in a chair in underwear and a t-shirt, have been published. Hands are handcuffed. A spokeswoman for the Wrocław Regional Prosecutor's Office, Katarzyna Bylicka, said on Tuesday that the investigation would be conducted by the district prosecutor's office in Wrocław.

– The documents relating to this case on Tuesday were transmitted by the internal police service and an investigation will be opened under article 231, paragraph 1, of the Penal Code. It is a question of transgressing or failing to fulfill one's obligations by a public official – said prosecutor Bylicka.

Earlier, the spokesman for the Lower Silesian police, Krzysztof Zaporowski, said the police were examining the circumstances surrounding the release of this photo.

– The internal police services explain all the circumstances related to this case – said Zaporowski. When asked if the photo had been taken to the provincial police headquarters in Wrocław, the spokesman said that he was not yet able to give an answer.

Author: ib / b
Source: PAP

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