Svoboda squeezed himself in front of the camera. "I have more strength, I think I have enough"


Poor Poles began to lose the distance to the rivals quickly, but they had a good second half and finally finished with the fifth time. The winner was Ashley Henderson of the United States with time of 11.07 seconds.

Svoboda ran the distance of 100 meters in 11.28 seconds. This is a result of 0.04 seconds worse than its best result this year and 0.16 seconds worse than the lifetime record (19659002) – it does not look good. I thought I would run faster, "said Svoboda, and she pulled together. The journalist TVP Sport was questioned about the reasons for this result and the runner simply bowed his head and said: – I do not know.

<img src = ",Ewa-Swoboda-w-rozmowie-z-TVP-Sport-po-biegu-w -puch.jpg "alt =" Ewa Swoboda in conversation with TVP Sport after the race at the World Cup in London [19659005] Ewa Swoboda in conversation with TVP Sport after the race at the World Cup in London TVP screen Sport

And then he has already broken.Tears have splashed on the cheek.-I have more strength, I guess.I have enough.The coach said I felt very good at the warm-up, I felt very good myself, I was ready for faster … – 1965-002] The reporter changed the subject, referring to the successful departure of Martyna Kotwiła in Tampere M1 junior (he won a bronze there) and suggested that after all, Poland can be optimistic looking towards the future with such a sprinter.And he named Swoboda among This one smiles – Someone will have to e replace – said a 21-year-old sprinter and placed his hand in the letter "T", as if taking a break to ask

 Ewa Swoboda Ewa Swoboda TVP Sport 19459006 19459006 Do you like sports and original texts? Try our new newsletter. We invite you, £ ukasz Godlewski and Janusz Sadłowski

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