Synektik is the exclusive distributor of da Vinci in Poland. He has a contract with Intuitive Surgical


  Currently, da Vinci systems operate in more than 4.5 thousand. medical institutions worldwide.

Currently, da Vinci systems operate in more than 4.5 thousand.

Synektik has reached an agreement with the American robot manufacturer da Vinci. Polish society will have the exclusive right to sell well-known devices used in surgery worldwide.

Intuitive Surgical, the world market leader in robotics technologies in the medical field, was in agreement with Synektik. The contract signed with the leading Polish producer and supplier of radiopharmaceuticals and devices used in oncology, cardiology and neurology concerns the sale of da Vinci surgical robots to the Polish market

According to the agreement, Synektik is became exclusive distributor in our country of the entire system. The Poles will respond, among others for the sale and service of robots, instruments and accessories for these devices.

The da Vinci System, developed, produced and marketed by Intiuitive Surgical, is the most advanced robotic system used to perform surgical procedures, including in the field of urology, gynecology and surgery General. It was introduced to the market in 1999. It is characterized by exceptional precision, low invasiveness of procedures resulting in high efficiency of surgery and a significantly reduced risk of post-operative complications.

Robot-doctors perform complicated operations. More than Human

– One of our priorities will be to take care of the high level of operator training and the appropriate level of system utilization, which is crucial for the da Vinci system's efficiency. The solutions developed by Intuitive Surgical enable a real leap in quality in the treatment of diseases such as prostate cancer – says Cezary Kozanecki, president of Synektika.

He believes that soon Polish patients often decide to seek treatment in foreign centers. da Vinci, they will also be able to use medical technology supported by da Vinci in the country

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The President also mentions the modern technology savings for health care. ] – A patient operated with the help of a robot consumes fewer drugs, less blood for transfusion, speeds up the hospital bed and quickly returns to daily life – comments Kozanecki

Currently, da Vinci systems operate in more than 4.5 thousand. medical institutions worldwide.

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