Szczesny comments on his phenomenal intervention. Polish hailed by his colleagues and the Italian media Pika nona


– At first it seemed to me that our player was going to hit, but later he told me that he had not done it. It is important that I managed to defend myself. It was good that I needed me once and that I was able to help – admits Szczsny of Polsat Sport, here after Tuesday's meeting. Win gives Juventus a promotion in the round of 16.

Wojciech Szczsny with a phenomenal intervention

In the first half of the Woch champions' match with the Bats, Szczesny did not have a lot of work, but the situation changed in the match's extra time. In the last action of the first match of the game, Valencia launched the rona. Mouctar Diakhaby will score a goal and Szczsny will have an excellent reflex to save Juventus from lost goals. "Superheroes," wrote Fox Sports.

Thus, Szczysny rehabilitates himself for a weaker appearance in a previous meeting with Manchester United, while at the end of the match at 1: 0, it's not better to behave in two situations and that Juventus will lose at the end of 1: 2.

"The parade is worth the detour"

Szczesny for his performance would be highly praised. His game and very good comment among others Leonardo Bonucci. – Wojtek is an excellent goalkeeper. Be ready to intervene when you need it. Perfectly defends – will grant traffic, quoted by

"His parade was exceptional, he will confirm his great skills in goalkeeper" – wrote about the behavior of the Eurosport Pole, which will give him the "7", above Giorgio Chiellini. "Seeing his parade was worth buying a ticket," added, who will evaluate Szczsny's match to "7.5", thus choosing him for the best player of the match.

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