Szydło carries his mother a government column


The elegant bus on the side of the Audi Q7 brought Tuesday the two ladies to the hospital at ul. Szasers and drove them. We asked in SOP on the basis of what provisions Deputy Prime Minister Szydło used a protected car to transport a loved one. We have not received a response to close this issue. A few years ago, in the text about the beginnings of Beata Szydło's political career, there was such an opinion about her mother: "Social worker and book-lover, she gave him his social sensitivity and his love for the literature."

Social sensitivity, the Deputy Prime Minister has become very boring lately … She showed it while swimming in the gorges of Dunajec during the protest of the disabled in the Sejm. And shouting from the rostrum about ministerial awards that they "just deserved."

Congratulating my mother's daughter, we suggest – every taxi corporation in Warsaw offers a trip as comfortable looking as the government column. And it only costs dozens of zlotys, and it complies with the law and the rules. We, the taxpayers, are part of it.

The PiS spokesman surprised us. How is she not ashamed?

"Kaczyński is a coward!" Surprising reaction Szydło

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