Taliban opponent in Pakistan killed by bomb while campaigning


PESHAWAR, Pakistan – A candidate of a Taliban-opposed political party was killed in a suicide bombing on Tuesday night as he was campaigning in northwestern Pakistan a few weeks before the country do not go to the polls.

were killed and dozens were injured, several of them critically, said police and hospital officials. The death toll was expected to increase, according to the authorities

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but the Pakistani Taliban, who frequently attacked secular politicians, were immediately suspected.

The attack raised concerns about the security of current candidates in the July 25 general election and immediately cast a veil over Pakistan. It was the first attack of this kind of this year's campaign

Haroon Bilour, the provincial secretary of information for his political party, has expressed such hopes in recent interviews with local media. Mr. Bilour had survived at least two assassination attempts.

But Tuesday night, a suicide bomber managed to mingle with supporters of Mr. Bilour when he arrived at a campaign demonstration in Peshawar. "The kamikaze was sitting and waiting for the arrival of Haroon," said Taj Muhamamd Wazir, an A.N.P.

Imran Khan, leader of Pakistan's Tehreek-e-Insaf, condemned the attack and called on the state to provide security for the candidates.

"Yet another ANP The leader sacrificed his life for peace and democracy," said Sardar Hussain Babak, the provincial secretary general of the Awami National Party, during a phone interview. "We have a long list of martyrs, and we will continue to fight against the forces of extremism and militancy."

Babak, who also runs for office, said party leaders were receiving almost daily threats from the Taliban.

"But the federal and provincial governments have failed to secure us," he said. "We had our own security arrangements."

Salman Masood reported from Islamabad, Pakistan. Ihsanullah Tipu Mehsud contributing reports from Islamabad.

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