Taxi drivers are drowning in debts. The record holder must give 900,000 zł


Data from the National Economic Account Debt Registry show that the total debt of the taxis sector is currently rising to more than 29 million zlotys and is increasing every year. In 2017, this debt exceeded 19 million euros and in 2013, it amounted to just over 6.5 million euros.

– Of this amount, PLN 17 million is debt to collection companies and securitization funds. A little over 6 million PLNs of taxi drivers are guilty among the financial sector companies: banks, factoring and leasing companies, and loan companies. A debt of a few million zlotys represents arrears to telecommunications operators and more than 700,000. PLNs are due to insurance companies – according to KRD data.

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– Without a doubt, the debt of taxi drivers is affected by financial congestion. Cooperation with unreliable contractors costs taxi drivers PLN 24,5 million. This is nearly 85% of the total debt of the taxi industry. This may indicate that late payment by counterparties poses a real threat to the financial liquidity of the sector – comments Adam Łącki, KRD chairman.

The average debt of a taxi driver is, according to KRD, about $ 12,000. zł. However, some owe a lot more to their creditors. The record holder is a 72-year-old man from Mazovia. He has to pay 891,000 euros. zł. The second record holder comes from Katowice. It has two commitments for a total of 546,000 zlotys. PLN to a factoring and insurance company. The most indebted provinces of taxi drivers are Mazovia, Silesia and Pomerania.

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