Tesla is preparing auto factories in Shanghai. The customs war is not terrible for Elon Musk?


Elona Muska's dreams of producing electric cars from her company Tesla Motor in China are getting closer and closer. Tuesday afternoon, Musk signed a letter of intent with the Shanghai authorities on the construction of a car factory in this city, which is the main center of the Chinese automobile industry

Mega Investment Muska

Tesla announced that it would take two years to build a factory in Shanghai. It can produce up to 500,000 cars a year. That's almost twice as much as the only Tesla factory in California, which Muska bought from Toyota

It's unclear when Tesla will start building its factory in China, how much will it cost and how the Muska lost goes to finance

It is also not known if Tesla will be able to produce cars in China without the obligatory participation of a local partner. This means the need to transfer its own technologies to the Chinese. For this reason, Musk has not yet decided to invest in Shanghai, which has been discussed for a year.

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