Thai Rescue, Novichok, Breastfeeding: Your Monday Briefing


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Hello. A rescue in Thailand, a showdown on breastfeeding and China's high-tech efforts to follow its citizens.

Here is the last one:

"The English Patient, " The love story of Michael Ondaatje Booker Prize. The single prize commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Man Booker Award. Above, Ralph Fiennes in the 1996 version of the film. In Japan, more than three million people were ordered to evacuate to heights or shelters, as floods and landslides destroyed homes and killed at least 68 people . 56 more missing. [The New York Times]

One week before President Trump's working visit to Britain, the Mayor of London authorized a giant Mr. Trump's balloon represented as a baby in a diaper to fly by of Parliament in protest. He still needs the final approval of the British police and air traffic control. [The New York Times]

The new Spanish government wants to move the remains of dictator Francisco Franco to a more modest grave as part of an effort to atone for the crimes of civil war. [The New York Times]

The attempt of the family of Anne Frank to escape the Nazis was thwarted by the American immigration rules of the time, according to new research. [The New York Times]

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be sworn in for his second term today with new expansive powers. On Sunday, his government announced that 18,000 state workers had been fired, bringing the total to 125,000 since the coup attempt two years ago. [BBC]

The annual bull race in the city of Pamplona, ​​north of Spain, is underway, with heavy rains that drag and slide the bulls and slips all the way to along the race. [Associated Press]

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