That's what Jennifer Lopez, 49, looks like in a bikini! WOW!


  Jennifer Lopez in a bikini


For her 49th birthday, Jennifer Lopez was tempted to show herself in a bikini and … she made an incredible impression! If you were worried that another year in your account will affect the shape of the singer, you can relax. She is still extremely sexy!

On July 24 Jennifer Lopez celebrated her 49th birthday. It's hard to believe – the singer is in top form and can boast of a figure that many 20-year-olds would envy! All indications are that J.Lo is fully aware of this. On the occasion of the birth, she presented … in a bikini!

Her 49th birthday Jennifer Lopez celebrated with her family and friends. On her Instagram, she added a photo of pleasure on the beach, where she plays the main role! Jennifer Lopez in black bikini is perfectly presented.

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Of course, such a perfect figure Jennifer Lopez is not only the merit of genes, but also hard work. The singer has been saying for years that she owes her appearance to grueling workouts and good nutrition. J.Lo is aware of several important rules – no cigarettes and alcohol in large quantities, and instead lots of water and training specially prepared for women. In one of the interviews two years ago Jennifer Lopez gave advice to all women:

Do you like. Stop spending time worrying about what others think. Because when you love yourself and you are happy, it reflects on your whole body – and that's what makes you really beautiful. And use a good balm!

– she said

And that's what we wish her on the occasion of her 49th birthday!

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