The 18-meter mast at Stalowa Wola is returned


  The mast fell to Stalowa Wola.

Photo: Łukasz / Contact 24

Video: Łukasz / Contact 24
The mast collapsed in Stalowa Wola

In the center of Stalowa Wola an 18 meter mast collapsed, in May the national flag was fired by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. A storm was passing over the city. However, in the statement issued by the mayor of the city appears a thread of suspicion of actions of third parties, whose construction "aroused opposition from the beginning". "However, I would like to believe that they are only forces of nature, not the force of madness and people of ill will," wrote Lucius Nadbereżny (PiS) on the social network.

The 18-meter mast, on which Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki enthused the Polish flag on May 2, was at the main intersection of the city, the Avenue John Paul II with the Street of the National Commission of Education. The construction was a symbol of the newly found independence of Poland and the 80th anniversary of Stalowa Wola (Podkarpackie)

The mast fell during the storm of today. "As a result of a violent storm over the town of Stalowa Wola, damage to property and forest have occurred, and I am sorry to report damage to the national flag at the roundabout" said city president Lucius Nadberezny (PiS).

Thanks to Tychy …

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Nothing has happened to anyone. "The mast was adapted to the diameter of the island, not to affect the traffic lanes, and a few minutes after the incident, my colleagues and I came to protect the national flag against destruction, I can assure everyone that Whites and Reds come back as soon as possible. "We will want to explain if there were no actions of third parties"

In the post of President of Stalowa Wola there is also a thread of third parties that could intentionally want to damage last night's construction.Such signals – as indicated by Nadbereżny – are supposed to reach the inhabitants of the city.

" We would like to clarify that apart from the strong wind and the storm, there has been no action from third parties for whom this mast has been the subject of opposition since the beginning. only the forces of nature, not the force of stupidity and people of ill will … "- writes Nadbereżny

Aspiring Staff Andrzej The hunter at the Poviat Police Headquarters in Stalowa Wola confirmed in an interview with Kontakt 24 that "a terrible storm was passing through the city." – We have problems with light, communication I do not have access to the Internet.
Author: ank
Source: Contact 24

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