The 20-year-old man fell in the Oder near the Sikorski Bridge


Because of the darkness, the police had to first search the bank of the Oder to find the man. The witness who called just after 2 pm only said that he saw a person who had fallen into the river near the Sikorski bridge.

– The police knew they had to act very quickly because of the low temperatures. A few minutes later, the police noticed the man in the water. They immediately launched the rescue operations and landed it – informs asp. Łukasz Dutkowiak, spokesperson for the Wroclaw police.

Then the police gave first aid to the 20-year-old by calling an ambulance.

The man was very scared and very cold. – The police officers who rescued him were unable to rationally explain how he was found in the water. He was taken to the hospital with symptoms of hypothermia and benefited from additional medical assistance – Dutkowiak adds.

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