The 32-year-old man has been using drugs with the 33-year-old man. The woman is dead


The event occurred on the night of Friday to Saturday in the village of Mirowszczyzna in the Opole Voivodeship. – Z. Z., who lives every day in the Netherlands, has been using drugs with the 33-year-old man. The woman is dead – confirms in an interview with Bar Stanisław from the district prosecutor's office in Opole.

Opole: instead of helping a dying woman, he recorded it on the phone

Prok. The bar adds that the man heard three inadvertent death charges by giving a woman a psychoactive substance of unknown origin, not giving her help and having marijuana

– An inmate was detained for two months because of the nature of the charges and the anxiety. He adds that the prosecutor's office has also secured the phone, Mirosława Z. There is a record on it, which is one of the evidence in the case. – Applying after acting towards the victim, one can conclude that these were the last moments of his life – says Bar.

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