The alcohol market includes colors and glitter


"The richest Poles are looking for more expensive alcohols, which is why they sell high-end whiskey, preferably eastern countries, and fall – the least expensive beer," reports Friday. newspaper. He adds that "the number of small vodkas launched on the market has doubled from year to year". " wine brocaded about which two years ago nobody heard" – we read in the newspaper.

"As calculated by Nielsen in the report presented to" Rzeczpospolita ", the alcohol market reached 32.6 billion PLN last year, and although the number of liters sold hardly changes, profound changes occur.

"In 2010, alcohol was one-fifth of the Polish consumer goods basket, worth PLN 160.2 billion." – Calculate "Rz." – Most categories of alcohol have increased both in terms of value-added sales and busy space on the shelf. The exception are vermouth and beverages and cider – said Rzeczpospolita Agata Lorenc director of customer affairs in Nielsen.

The newspaper calculates that "the value of sales is mainly driven by vodka and beer their total sales reach nearly 27 billion PLN." "Beer is especially important because it's responsible for 9 liters of alcohol out of every 10 sold on the Vistula," said Rzeczpospolita.

The paper points out that "last year was difficult for the industry, which is noticeable in the weaker growth than before". "Year after year, the market has increased by PLN 0.5 billion, in previous years by PLN 1.2 billion, everything indicates that this year will be better," concludes Rzeczpospolita.

The first five months of 2018 led to further sales of whiskey, rum, gin, table and dessert wines . The hot spring has positively influenced the sale of low-alcohol beverages, mainly beer – says Rzeczpospolita Lorenc .

Rz / PAP / Op

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