1 hour ago 11 minutes Updated: 9 minutes ago
Small shops have been in decline for years, this year has reversed the trend due to a ban on trade Sunday. In short, small shops can work, so after the closing of hypermarkets or discounts, they won customers – remarks Rzeczpospolita, then quotes the owner's owl near Warsaw: Sunday we have the biggest turnover of the week, but the other days 20-30 percent. We are not able to fight discount promotions, especially on Saturdays
It turns out that the ban on Sunday trading will affect the larger and smaller stores, which n & # 39; Is not surprising. Rzeczpospolita says: There is an obvious depreciation of the Hungarian scenario after the introduction of a trade ban on Sunday. We have already prayed three years ago, when the first projects appeared
which is stated by 69% of respondents who are parents and 67% of people without children. It should also be remembered that at the beginning of the year, 43 percent of the votes will receive two-and-a-half times the hourly rate every Sunday, as the day without constraint
However, after a few months, 8 % of supporters of this option came. In small and medium-sized cities, they have become more visible than in large urban centers.
Worst Hours
The previous study of the TakeTask platform shows that in February of this year 21% of respondents were not able to predict whether they should work at a moment that does not suit them. After the entry into force of the law, the percentage of undecided decreases to 4%. Even those who did not believe in the scenario changed in the majority. Some may still be convinced that the situation is only transitory. But in the shortage of workers in the trade sector, "suppressing" the free Sunday will not be fast enough.
– Cashiers have nothing left to do. That's why indecision fell so badly in them. Of course, the organization of work still largely depends on the format of the store in which they are employed. In a small place, a free Sunday is a relatively small problem from the point of view of Monday's opening. But in hypermarkets, employees must fill up the amount of goods purchased on Saturdays – says Sebastian Starzyski, chairman of TakeTask's platform board
People with the most kids fear work until they reach the end of the day. at midnight on Saturdays and very early on Mondays. Before the introduction of the trade ban, 41% expected such a situation. And now, 28% more parents confirm it. However, many cashiers are surprised. And that is why the percentage of respondents who previously rejected such a possibility decreases by 18%
– Parents often agree to inconvenient work schedules, because they simply want to earn enough money to pay for it. money for themselves and for their children. It should be emphasized that shortage negatively affects family relationships. And even together on Sunday, they can not make up for it.
Some people may be disappointed by the changes, because they did not expect it – says the teacher. Janusz Hryniewicz of the Center for European Regional and Local Studies
Wred with childless respondents, 34 percent of the percentage of people confirming the need to work in uncomfortable hours compared to those who have previously expressed such fears. In turn, 27 percent of undecided cashiers are completely out of the question.
According to Sebastian Starzyński, probably these people hoped that the unpleasant duty would pass them. And even if they become so, they can hear from their friends that, for example, staying in the store on a Saturday night north is a common practice.
– A study of the TakeTask platform also shows that before the law came into force in major cities 40%. l Respondents anticipated the need to work Saturdays until very early or very early on Mondays. Currently, 20% of additional cashiers confirm this situation. It should be added that the share of the undecided decreases by 20%. This may mean that first responders respond in a rash manner. And when the changes have occurred, the losses will be felt – prof. Hryniewicz.
Interestingly, in small and medium-sized cities, and 37 percent more respondents have the above-mentioned situation experience, you do not expect it. Now, 72 percent confirm the need to work in the wrong hours. It should be added that previously, 34% said that this situation is definitely impossible, and that only 8% express it with so much confidence.
– Residents of small centers who changed their minds probably thought they believed a story told by the government. And then they collided with the brutal reality. Now, rather, do not make a claim to the SJ, but they will quench their overworked claims.
Despite such disarray expectations and current statements, at the same time a 10% increase in the percentage of satisfied with the developments in small and medium cities. This approach is called post-rationalization. First of all, people build a conviction about the drought of a given decision, but when difficulties arise, it is hard for them to admit that they have assessed the situation. I am obsessed, although some things bother them – says President Starzyski
In a few months, 8% increase in the percentage of cashiers and cashiers who would prefer a job two and a half times at forced rest Hours every Sunday. At the same time, 4% of the opponents of such an option have arrived. Thus, the undecided group will decrease by 12%
. From the second edition of the survey, it appears that just over half of respondents would prefer to spend an hour or less on Sunday. The expected benefits of the trade restrictions were therefore not significant. Of course, dating with loved ones is important, but satisfaction with family life has not increased, and so much. And additional human resources are needed, especially if they do not have high incomes – prof. Janusz Hryniewicz
In the parents' group, support for this solution increased slightly, from over 38% to 41%. This may mean that the benefits of reduced trade will not fully meet the expectations of cashiers with children. The undecided share will decrease by less than 7%. In turn, the percentage of opponents wzrs only 4 percent.
– People without children 17% voted in favor of a higher hourly rate every Sunday. Strong support for this idea and a drop in 19% indecision does not surprise me. This group has fewer benefits due to the restriction of trade than people raising children. And that would gladly change the mandatory free day for additional money – says Sebastian Starzyski.
In a few months, in big cities, support for higher wages for Sunday work has only increased by 4%. The percentage of opponents increases by 11%, although there is even less. However, the share of people who do not have an opinion on the alternative to free Sundays will decrease by 15%.
– Ideas of polarization of society are present. Some focus on consumption or hedonistic values. And for others, the preservation of the Catholic tradition counts. In the case of the latter, even if money is lacking, it is more important to spend Sunday in a manner compatible with religions. Both groups are growing, while the number of undecided people is declining – says the expert of the Center for Regional and Local European Studies
In small and medium cities, the option higher hourly rates seem more attractive. People who prefer to win more do not rest on Sundays. There will be an increase of 14%. The proportion of undecided respondents who almost totally support the group of supporters will decrease.
– In addition, residents of small urban centers express a less radical opposition to such an idea. Previously, say 29%, and more recently – only 10%. I believe that with time, the proposal of OPZZ could be more and more supported. It's worth learning and repeating the test, for example, in a few months – sums up Sebastian Starzyski.

© 123RF / PICSEL
The first poll of the opinion of cashiers took place in February of this year. At that time, 118 employees were interviewed. 59.3% of them are parents and 40.7% of people without children. The survey was conducted for the second time on June 23-24 this year. This time, 134 cashiers gave the answer. 61.9 percent have children, and 38.1 percent. – No.
Nielsen's Cichecka Magorzata draws attention to how traders find their way into the new reality: Visible s retailer activities, such as hours worked on other days of the week or promotions (..) widely disseminated in the media. Marketing activities will yield results when they will influence consumers' buying decisions, most of which will make purchases earlier, Friday or Saturday.
According to Andrzej Faliski of the Economic Dialogue Forum, a new opportunity for small network partner shops or franchises. "This is only in this way that they can offer attractive prices and try to to beat for customers with other players.If otherwise, I will not be able to maintain myself – underlines the expert
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July 16 this year.We inform: In prohibiting the Sunday trade, cashiers work more often than hours
The concerns of network employees have materialized.Before Sunday's sale was cut, more than 38 percent. They will have to work on Saturdays until midnight and on Mondays very early in the morning, and twice as many respondents notice such a need, from the point of view of the entry into force of the law.
This is declared by 69% of respondents who are parents and 67% of people without children. It should also be remembered that at the beginning of the year, 43% of the will receive two and a half times the hourly rate every Sunday, that the day without constraint
However, after a few months, 8% supporters of this option have arrived. In small and medium-sized cities, they have become more visible than in large urban centers.
Worst Hours
The previous study of the TakeTask platform shows that in February of this year 21% of respondents could not predict whether they should work at a time that suits them not. After the entry into force of the law, the percentage of undecided decreases to 4%. Even those who did not believe in the scenario changed in the majority. Some may still be convinced that the situation is only transitory. But in the shortage of workers in the trade sector, "suppressing" the free Sunday will not be fast enough.
– Cashiers have nothing left to do. That's why indecision fell so badly in them. Of course, the organization of work still largely depends on the format of the store in which they are employed. In a small place, a free Sunday is a relatively small problem from the point of view of Monday's opening. But in hypermarkets, employees must fill up the amount of goods purchased on Saturdays – says Sebastian Starzyski, chairman of TakeTask's platform board
People with the most kids fear work until they reach the end of the day. at midnight on Saturdays and very early on Mondays. Before the introduction of the trade ban, 41% expected such a situation. And now, 28% more parents confirm it. However, many cashiers are surprised. And that is why the percentage of respondents who previously rejected such a possibility decreases by 18%
– Parents often agree to inconvenient work schedules, because they simply want to earn enough money to pay for it. money for themselves and for their children. It should be emphasized that shortage negatively affects family relationships. And even together on Sunday, they can not make up for it.
Some people may be disappointed by the changes, because they did not expect it – says the teacher. Janusz Hryniewicz of the European Regional and Local Studies Center
With childless respondents, a 34% increase in the percentage of people confirming the need to work in unseemly hours compared to those who previously expressed these fears. In turn, 27% of undecided cashiers are completely out of the question.
According to Sebastian Starzyński, probably these people hoped that the unpleasant duty would pass them. And even if they did, they may hear from their friends that, for example, staying in the store on Saturday night is a common practice.
– The test of the TakeTask platform showed that before the law came into force in the big cities, 40% of it was necessary to work Saturdays until hours or very early on Monday. Currently, 20% more cashiers confirm this situation. It should be added that the share of the undecided decreases by 20%. This may mean that first responders respond in a rash manner. And when the changes have occurred, the losses will be felt – prof. Hryniewicz.
Interestingly, in the cities of small and medium size and 37% more respondents have the above-mentioned situation experience, you do not expect it. Now, 72% confirm the need to work in the wrong hours. It is worth adding that previously 34% believe that this situation is definitely impossible, and now only 8% express so surely.
– Residents of small centers who changed their minds probably thought they believed a story told by the government. And then they collided with the brutal reality. Now, rather, do not make a claim to the SJ, but they will quench their overworked claims.
Despite such disarray expectations and current statements, at the same time increase of 10% of the percentage of satisfied with the developments in small and medium cities. This approach is called post-rationalization. First of all, people build a conviction about the drought of a given decision, but when difficulties arise, it is hard for them to admit that they have assessed the situation. I am obsessed, although some things bother them – explains President Starzyski
In a few months, 8% increase in the percentage of cashiers and cashiers who would prefer to work two and a half times all Sundays. At the same time, 4% of the opponents of such an option have arrived. Thus, the circle of undecided will be reduced by 12% in this matter
– From the second edition of the survey, it appears that just over half of respondents would prefer to spend an hour or so less Sunday. The expected benefits of the trade restrictions were therefore not significant. Of course, dating with loved ones is important, but satisfaction with family life has not increased, and so much. And additional human resources are needed, especially if they do not have high incomes – prof. Janusz Hryniewicz
In the parents' group, support for this solution has increased slightly – from over 38% to 41%. This may mean that the benefits of reduced trade will not fully meet the expectations of cashiers with children. The undecided share will decrease by less than 7%. In turn, the percentage of opponents wzrs only 4%.
– People without children, 17% came to supporters at a higher hourly rate every Sunday. Strong support for this idea and a drop in 19% indecision does not surprise me. This group has fewer benefits due to the restriction of trade than people raising children. Sebastian Starzyski
thus decided to turn the compulsory free day into a supplement of money
After a few months in the big cities, the support for higher wages for Sunday work did not come into effect. increased only 4%. The percentage of opponents increases by 11%, although there is even less. On the other hand, the share of people not having an opinion on the alternative to free Sundays will decrease by 15%.
– Ideas of polarization of society are present. Some focus on consumption or hedonistic values. And for others, the preservation of the Catholic tradition counts. In the case of the latter, even if money is lacking, it is more important to spend Sunday in a manner compatible with religions. Both groups are growing, while the number of undecided people is declining – says the expert of the Center for Regional and Local European Studies
In small and medium cities, the option higher hourly rates seem more attractive. People who prefer to win more do not rest on Sundays. There will be an increase of 14%. The proportion of undecided respondents who almost totally support the group of supporters will decrease.
– In addition, residents of small urban centers express a less radical opposition to such an idea. Previously, say 29% and recently – only 10%. I believe that with time, the proposal of OPZZ could be more and more supported. It's worth learning and repeating the test, for example, in a few months – sums up Sebastian Starzyski.

© 123RF / PICSEL
The first poll of the opinion of cashiers took place in February of this year. At that time, 118 employees were interviewed. 59.3% of them are parents, and 40.7% – children without children. The survey was conducted for the second time on June 23-24 this year. This time, 134 cashiers gave the answer. 61.9% have children and 38.1% – none
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