The bark is dead. It is remembered [ARCHIWALNE ZDJÊCIA]


Kora begins on stage

Olga Sipowicz, known as Kora, was born in 1951. She adopted her pseudonym in adolescence when she was associated to a hippie community. Although she started her professional career at the Department of Child Psychiatry in Cracow, where she was a psychotherapist for two years, she quickly stated that she wanted to connect her life to music.

In 1976, Kora made her stage debut in a band with her husband, Marek Jackowski. This is how was created Maanam

  Kora and Marek Jackowski "title =" Kora and Marek Jackowski at the press conference of the Maanam team "/> <br /><span>  Miroslaw Stepniak / FOTONOVA / IS NEWS </span></p>
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