The beginning of the construction of the ferry for PŻB – the next year


The next year, the construction of a ferry for Polish shipping will begin. The draft contract is now ready. Design work is underway to meet the demands of market competition.

The reconstruction of the maritime economy is one of the priorities of the Government of Law and Justice Marek Grobarczyk

– Reconstruction of shipbuilding in the appearance of Western Pomerania , Stocznia Szczecińska, Gryfia Shipyard – 19659004] "Project Batory" is an integral part of the strategy for responsible development.

– It aims to significantly influence the process of reindustrialization of the country, and certainly give a new lease of life when it comes to all of West Pomerania – Marek Grobarczyk.

In addition to support, creation and implementation of modern technologies, the construction of a modular offshore platform and green shipyards also involves the construction of ferries

. One hundred percent is already ready for a draft contract. Currently, work is underway, led by a consortium of three Tri-City companies, including NED Project.

– This project meets the requirements of the shipowner and the expectations of the market as much as possible – said Jerzy Pietrzak, president of NED. ] Since the concept of ferry construction, several important design assumptions have changed

– It differs significantly from what was in April of this year. It is bigger, has a greater length, number of passengers, has a different propulsion – emphasized Marek Różalski, president of Morska Repair Shipyard Gryfia

It remains the final selection of the main elements of the ferry trials and of model at the Center of Ship Technology [19659003] – So the engine, the equipment and this will continue to allow us to continue our work – Marek Różalski added.

Thanks to modern technical solutions, the ferry will be a unit meeting high environmental standards – said Piotr Redmerski – President of Poltic Shipping. ] – The fuel for the future that this ferry will be fueled is LNG fuel. Not only because it's an environmentally friendly fuel, but because it's economically justified – said the chairman of PŻB.

This year, work on the work project is to begin. The main contractor for the Polish Baltic ferry is the Gryfia ship repair yard

– The shipyard has a complete technological chain for the construction of ships and ferries. The shipyard is ready to carry out these projects – said the president of the shipyard of Szczecin.

The construction of the ferry is to start next year. The ship must be ready at the turn of 2020 and 2021

TV Trwam News / RIRM

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