The best Polish minister leaves unexpectedly!


We will soon face major changes in a ministry. Unexpectedly, the best Polish minister leaves. Voters are shocked, they do not believe anything like that happens.

One of the best ministers is going away. Although it seems impossible, it seems to be true. All voters literally held their breath.

Witold Bańka, because of him, is a great athlete who held the post of Sports Minister in 2015. However, according to information provided by the Polish media, he will no longer hold him.

Witold Bańka has had a lot of success in his sports career. He is also very active in politics, which is why he was the best candidate for this position for many. His term is very well evaluated, which is quite an accomplishment in the realities of Polish politics. However, there is now information that the bubble will completely disappear from our government.

Witold Bańka leaving?

In many online portals, entire articles are devoted to the early departure of the current Minister of Sports. He himself tried to comment on one of these information, which seems to tell everything about it.

The Sports Minister has reported information about his imminent departure via Twitter, where the journalist Krzysztof Stanowski published the following text.

– There will be a new sports minister. In a few months, Witold Bańka will resign as the president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is waiting for him. It must be recognized that the current mandate of Bańka has been a major asset, writes a journalist.



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According to his words, it is clear that all decisions concerning this food have already been made and that Banka's decision can not be annulled. However, the minister himself mentions in his commentary that nothing has been decided yet.

– Thank you very much for your kind words, Editor-in-chief, but nothing is decided yet … and the opponents are strong. Sincerely, writes the Minister of Sports.

However, it is true that Bubble is looking for a job at WADA, but as he mentions, his rivals are really strong. Because of this, he's not quite sure he'll get that job. However, if it succeeds, we must expect new changes in our government.


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