The bloodshed is waiting for Poland. Shocking prophecy of a seer at the turn of 2018/19


Krzysztof Jackowski has surprised many Poles with his words about what will happen in the future. The best known clairvoyant in our country has worked hard for this name. His prophecies often coincide with reality.

Krzysztof Jackowski leaves no illusions about what awaits us in the months to come. Unfortunately, one of his most disturbing visions directly concerns the situation in Poland. According to him, prepare yourself for very drastic scenes that we will see.

Krzysztof Jackowski – a terrifying vision

Krzysztof Jackowski notes many factors that can be used to create conflict in our country. One of them is the tense situation in Ukraine all the time.

– 2019 can be very dangerous for our region of the world and I warn it. I am not afraid of war, she is right here. We must be very careful because the way to trigger armed conflict using Ukraine is very simple – said the clairvoyant.

He added that, in his opinion, everything happening on the international scene is destabilizing the situation in Europe. If this scenario occurs, we are in great danger.

– I fear that attempts to destabilize relative peace in Ukraine will occur to allow Russia to carry out military movements. American and European politicians know that in Russia, there is no discussion, no fight and there are specific reactions to specific things. An armed clash can be very easily done. This is a very dangerous situation. All the time, I have the impression that someone refers to the destabilization in the Middle East as a base, but also in Europe – commented Jackowski.



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Unfortunately, according to Krzysztof Jackowski, we live only the last weeks of peace.

– Look at this as a whole. I always have the impression that what is happening in the Middle East, with refugees and in Ukraine, is a very dangerous set. There are many ignition points and it can suddenly turn on. All the time, I say that this year 2018 reminds me that it's the last year of peace – he said.

A war that can reach our territory is not the only danger to the fate of Poland. The clairvoyante admitted that some time ago, the biggest riots had been waiting for us for years. They will affect very big political changes, but unfortunately, a lot of people will suffer.

The clairvoyant did not say this explicitly, but his remarks lead to the conclusion that in case of such significant confusion and danger, a State will want to use the situation in the same way, just like Russia mentioned above for Ukraine.


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