The broken plane of the Lion Air line was broken the day before


The Indonesian Lion Air plane, which crashed into the Java Sea in October, was not fully operational during its penultimate flight the day before, said the investigator. On October 29, 189 people died in the accident.

The contact with the plane was lost 13 minutes after his departure from Jakarta airport. The destination was the town of Pangkal Pinang on Bangka Island, near Sumatra.

According to the report, the pilots had difficulty stabilizing the Boeing 737 MAX 8. The information read in the black box of the aircraft indicates that the rod vibrator is a device that warns the pilot against stall, that is, ie a sudden drop in lift and a sharp increase in aerodynamic drag – during most of the unlucky flight. reported the problem. The captain tried to lift the nose of the aircraft, but the automatic anti-motor system left him.

The pilots who flew the same day on the Denpasar-Bali route to Jakarta on the same plane had similar problems and turned off the system, stabilizing the aircraft by hand – said the Security Commission State transport (KNKT).

Source: Maciej Zieliński / PAP / Reuters Indonesian plane crash

"During the flight from Denpasar to Jakarta, the stick vibrator was activated during take-off and remained active throughout the flight, which is considered unfit for theft," the report said, stating that the flight should be halted. .

The pilots of this flight reported a problem to the maintenance team of Lion Air, who, after checking the plane, had given permission to start the next day, flight that connected Jakarta to Pangkal Pinang. After the disaster, the Lion Air authorities asked the pilots to provide the technical team with a complete description of the technical defects.

For the moment without any reason

In an initial report, Indonesia indicated the airline's service procedures, pilot training and the anti-stall system used by Boeing, but did not explicitly state the cause of the disaster .

KNKT investigator Nurcahyo Utomo said the agency had not yet determined whether the anti-stall system was the cause of the disaster. "We do not know yet whether he contributed or not, it is too early to draw any conclusions – he said.

In a statement released, Boeing drew attention to the operation of the technical team, but did not blame the disaster, neither its members nor its pilots.

Source: Małgorzata Latos / PAP The place of the Indonesian plane crash

Author: ft mtom
Source: PAP

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